Project 365 2014 – Week 41

This week was one we have been looking forward to for a while.

On Sunday Eliza and I attended a Princess Ball where she got to meet some of her favourite Disney Princesses including Cinderella, Ariel, Rapunzel and of course Anna and Elsa.  My normally confident little lady went all shy and refused to have any pictures with them, but I am hoping she will get over that by the time her birthday comes around as she insists she wants them there!

On Monday we held our first Lemur Linkup Blogger / Business night which saw local bloggers get to meet and get to work with local businesses.  It went even better than we could have dreamed of and plan to run them twice a year.

Thursday saw the first school disco of the year and both Isaac and Eliza won prizes for their dancing.  I definitely need to book them in for lessons, especially Isaac as he seems to be a natural at street dance!

This week has also seen some epic rainstorms, normally hitting us when I am doing one of the three school runs of the day.  It is safe to say I spent most of the week looking like a drowned rat.  Thankfully we found shelter when one hit whilst we were doing the Gruffalo’s Child trail at Moors Valley yesterday!

Here is my week in pictures:

Week 41


278.  Meeting Elsa and Anna

279.  Joanne from Charliemoos making a wooden heart at Lemur Linkup

280.  Since flying to Rhodes, this little man is obsessed with planes!

281.  Someone stole my brolly!

282.  School Disco

283.  We attended a Baker Ross Twitter Party hosted by my friend Jeni – Eliza made this photo frame

284.  Doing the Gruffalo’s Child Trail at Moors Valley

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

Farmer Palmers

Saturday is Caption Day – 27th September 2014

This week we went to the opening of the fabulous new play barn at Farmer Palmers, which the kids adored as it has lots of role play equipment, a large curly slide and a sensory wall of lights and mirrors.

We did get outside to explore the farm too and fed some lambs, charged around on go karts (my legs still ache) and bounced on the bouncy castles before heading back home for dinner.

I got lots of fun photo’s, but Isaac driving Farmer Palmers tractor makes the perfect #satcap picture.

Next week it’s rocknrollmum‘s turn to host satcap, but this week it is my go, so do your very best with this:

Farmer Palmers