3 Ways To Celebrate The Birth Of A Baby

If there is anything worth celebrating, especially after a global pandemic, it is the safe arrival of a new baby. For all involved – the siblings, the aunts and uncles, the grandparents, and of course, the parents, it is a life-changing event, welcoming a new little human being into the world.

How do you celebrate this incredibly exciting time in a way that is not going to tire out an already exhausted new mum and dad? Here, we share five ways to mark those first few days and weeks with a new baby.

Have some bonding time with your baby

Of course, everyone wants to meet your new baby. It is only natural that the extended family wants to meet your new little person, and you are probably just as excited to show him or her off. However, it is essential that you have some time with just you and your baby, getting to know one another and allowing that all-important bond between you to develop. It gives you time to establish breastfeeding, for brothers and sisters to get to know their sibling and for you to adjust to life as a family. 

Never feel guilty for insisting on some interrupted bonding time with your baby. Only when you feel ready should you allow everyone else in.

Have a newborn photography session

Babies change so much on an almost daily basis. The best way to remember how they looked in their first few days or weeks is by booking a newborn photography session. Typically a newborn shoot is done before the baby reaches two weeks old where they are still in that delicious curled up newborn stage And sleep a lot. You only have one opportunity to catch the garden newborn pictures, so don’t miss out. Make sure you book it well in advance – the last thing you want to do is find out everywhere is fully booked.


Have a post-baby shower

No, we aren’t talking about scrubbing up, we are on about the celebration typically held before the baby is born! There is no reason whatsoever that you can’t have a ‘post-baby’ shower instead. In America, these are often referred to as a ‘sip and see’. You could have a ‘birth-day’ cake made, and invite friends to drop in during the day or give them an allotted time to come and see you and the baby. This is a great way to get all the tiring visits over and done with in one go without constant interruptions. Don’t worry about putting food on – just open a few bags of nibbles if you really feel like you need to, and have a pot of tea and coffee made – maybe a bottle of bubbly if you want to go all out! When you have had enough, or baby begins to get tired, you can ask everyone to go home and leave you in peace to enjoy the new addition to your brood.


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