Tips to Make Your Move As Cheap as Chips

One thing that people don’t tell you about moving house is that it can be expensive, especially if you’re travelling up, down, or across the country. With so many other expenses required, you need to find a way to cut down the cost of your move, so here are a few tips to make sure your move is as cheap as possible. 

Compare Quotes 

It’s always important to compare quotes and prices when doing anything in life, and the same goes for finding the best companies to ship your boxes, or even carry out reliable car shipping for you, especially if you decide to drive the van yourself. By analysing quotes, you’ll be able to work out which option is the most budget-friendly, allowing you to save some money that you can spend on pizza your first night in your new home. 

Sell Everything You Can 

There’s no better way to save money by making money. While you might find it difficult to say goodbye to things you’d long forgotten hidden in the loft, you need to find the strength to let go and move on. The good news is that you will find a buyer for whatever you’re selling, or at least most of it. From books to furniture to those garish ornaments that you’re happy to see the back of, pick your price, pug them online, and wait for the bids to flow in. If no one comes calling, you can always donate them.

Find Freebies 

If there’s one thing that first-, second- or even third-time movers make the mistake of doing, it’s buying boxes to put their stuff in. sure, it can help you organise your life, but it can also be a total waste of money. You might not realise it, but you should be able to find boxes for free both online or at your local supermarket, all you need to do is ask, and you’ve got a collection of useful boxes for your clothes and books without spending a penny. Don’t forget to use your suitcases, as well. 

Make the Most of Your Utilities Now 

Cutting your utilities before you move is important, you don’t want to pay for multiple services at the same time, after all. As you’re preparing to move, go through your current payments, such as energy, internet, home insurance, and your TV package to prevent any overlaps. When doing this, you can also adjust your moving date to line it up perfectly with when your old utilities end and new ones begin. This means you can get the most out of your subscriptions and prevent any problems waiting around after moving in. 

Cheap as Chips 

It’s also good to save money wherever you can, whether it’s finding bargains at the supermarket or waiting for the best deals to come around. The same goes for moving house. If you find ways to save as many pennies as possible from the start of your move until the moment you walk through your new door, you’ll get off to the best start possible. 

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