The Alphabet Project – B is for Bike

I couldn’t decide what I wanted to take a picture of for my “B” photo.

I toyed with brothers and boys, but after a couple of days at Bournemouth Wheels Festival I decided it just has to be Bike!

The Wheels Festival is a new even that will be held each year on the second Bank Holiday in May, following on from the success of Bournemouth Air Festival.  We saw cars old and new, but the main attraction were the displays – we saw rally cars speeding over the sandy beach, monster trucks crushing old cars and these nutters on their bikes, literally flying through the air!

I give you a bike!



21 thoughts on “The Alphabet Project – B is for Bike”

  1. Oh my goodness that’s absolutely incredible Kara! Must have been such a great event to go to. Awesome! So tricky having lots of choice for letters although I’m sure we won’t be saying that when we get to Q – thinking an adjective might be good then! Brilliant capture. Thanks for sharing with #alphabetphto

  2. oh wow great pics, i am so scared of motor bikes, even though my husband loved them and bought our son one a small real one for his 2nd birthday, x


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