Saturday is Caption Day – 18th June 2016 #satcap

Hello and welcome to Saturday is Caption Day #satcap.

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog or instagram with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

This week we had Heroes Day at school and the kids had to dress up as real life heroes. Obviously Isaac and Eliza took this very seriously, chose their own outfits and wanted to pose for pictures, only a certain small person also wanted to get in on the action too.

Can you caption this picture:

Heroes Day


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Saturday is Caption Day – 11th June 2016 #satcap

Hello and welcome to Saturday is Caption Day #satcap.

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog or instagram with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

Last weekend we visited Butlins in Bognor Regis and they have plenty of photo opps throughout the resort. One character that got the kids imaginations sparked was this fella, but can you caption this:



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Burton Bradstock

Saturday is Caption Day – 28th May 2016

Hello and welcome to Saturday is Caption Day #satcap.

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog or instagram with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

Last weekend we went to the local Spring Tide festival in Burton Bradstock and headed to the beach for a much needed run around. Sebastian was in his element building stone towers and throwing stones into the sea.

Can you caption this?

Burton Bradstock


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Saturday is Caption Day

Saturday is Caption Day – 21st May 2016 #satcap

Hello and welcome to Saturday is Caption Day #satcap.

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog or instagram with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

Last week we headed to Bournemouth Pier as Hubby was doing a photoshoot on the zipwire for Rockreef, whilst I was looking after the kids. Eliza decided to lay down and see if she could spot any fish through the wooden slats when Isaac decided he would get in on the action.

Can you caption this photo?

Saturday is Caption Day


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Saturday is Caption Day – 14th May 2016 #satcap

Hello and welcome to Saturday is Caption Day #satcap.

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog or instagram with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

Last week we headed to Paultons Park for the opening of their new Lost Kingdom and were blown away by the attention to detail and the huge animatronic dinosaurs. The kids were keen to pose with the largest dinosaur in the park the Brachiosaurus.

Can you caption this photo?

Lost Kingdom


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Saturday is Caption Day – 7th May 2016

Hello and welcome to Saturday is Caption Day #satcap.

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog or instagram with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

Callan was always the child that took visits to the park to the extreme. He would never just climb the climbing frame as it was meant to be climbed, but always insisted on getting on the very top. This week he came to see us on his day off from work and decided to take Sebby out to the park where Callan proved that despite being 18, he has not changed one little bit!!

Can you caption this photo?


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Saturday is Caption Day – 30th April 2016 #satcap

Hello and welcome to Saturday is Caption Day #satcap.

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog or instagram with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

The weather has been a bit better this week so we have been outside enjoying the garden, albeit in our woolly jumpers. Sebastian loved being on the trampoline and has finally mastered jumping rather than running around it, but it looks like his hair wasn’t as keen.

Can you caption this:


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