“Hurrah!” shouted George, “At last it is you. I’ve been looking so hard for the Yeti”
The monster looked down with a horrible howl……
“Are you bonkers? My name is Netty!”
With only a map, a wooly hat and a tin of spaghetti in his rucksack, George sets off on his quest up the steep mountain path and spots the Yeti immediately. But wait……just look at the lipstick! Can it really be the Yeti?
This book has become a firm bedtime favourite in our house. It bounces along full of rhyme with plenty of opportunities to make up silly voices as George meets various monsters on his journey to find the Yeti.
Apparently the green monster is Mummy…..thanks girls |
The pictures are vibrant and fun and really make the story come alive and best of all……..the Yeti loves spaghetti so Isaac will actually eat it now!!
I cannot wait for Adam and Charlotte Guillain’s next offering Marshmallows for Martians which is due out next spring!!
I have five copies of Spaghetti and the Yeti to giveaway!!
To Enter:
a mermaid
A unicorn!
A Dragon!
A Unicorn 🙂 x
A faerie 😀
A mermaid
a kelpie
a unicorn
A unicorn
I would like to meet a fairy
A Dragon
A fairy!!
A leprechaun
A Leprechaun
a unicorn 🙂
A fairy
A fairy or elf!
A fairy
A unicorn
A Fairy
A Unicorn
An Elf
A Gruffalo! x
A unicorn
a dragon
A mermaid 🙂
A unicorn!
A unicorn
a unicorn
kay panayi
Rather un-originally I think it would have to be a Unicorn 🙂
A mermaid
a dragon
A unicorn 🙂
A Unicorn
I would love a Unicorn wanted one since i was wee, i keep searching but to no avail 😉
A unicorn
a phoenix !
A mermaid!
A yeti!
I’d love to find a dragon, but he’d have to be friendly 🙂
A woolly mammoth
Nessi – the Loch Ness (not very in my imagination) Monster
a genie – get some wishes xx
A dragon
A leprechaun
A fairy
A dragon! :}
A unicorn with glittery hooves and mane!
A fairy (but a not nice one, like the ones in Labyrinth!)
a Psammead
a genie – get some wishes
A mermaid
A troll
A leprechaun
A dragon
A unicorn
A mermaid
Loch Ness Monster
My Doppelganger! 😀
a unicorn 🙂