Sedentary Lifestyle? Don’t Ignore This Health Advice

We live sedentary lifestyles now more so than ever before. This isn’t all our fault: many jobs force us to sit at a computer all day, and even those that don’t involve that much computer work can leave us feeling like we haven’t moved enough at the end of the day. Although an active job is not for everyone, it’s important that those with sedentary lifestyles come up with a plan to stay healthy in the long run. Years quickly pass by, and if you don’t prioritize your health, you may run into numerous health issues. Here’s the health advice that no mostly sedentary person should ignore:

Work On Your Posture 

If you find yourself spending a lot of time sitting down, it’s so important to ensure you are in the correct position. It can help to have an ergonomic chair, but there are also things you can do to help yourself. Make sure your feet can sit flat on the floor, and that your back touches the back of your chair for support (a cushion may help if you need one). Make sure your screen is at eye level so you don’t compromise your neck or round off your shoulders. You may need to look into getting a laptop stand or something similar to alter the position. Although it’s easy to get complacent as you work, remember to keep your shoulders back and avoid rounding them as you sit. 

Stretching and spending time on mobility each day can help to minimize any pain or issues. 

Get Regular Health Checkups 

Regular health checkups are essential for those who lead sedentary lifestyles. A health professional will be able to spot something long before you do, so don’t put it off. Make sure you visit the doctor for a general check up, as well as your eye doctor, who will be able to spot things like glaucoma early on. If you work for hours at a screen each day, your vision can suffer. You may find that you struggle to see things in the distance, or that you experience dry eyes. Make sure you practice looking at things various distances away and that you use eye spray to keep everything healthy and lubricated. Blue light blocking glasses can help, too. 

Make An Effort To Get More Steps In

If you sit down most of the day, you must make an effort to get more steps in. Go for a short walk every half an hour, even if it’s just around the office or your living room. See if you can work using a standing desk, as this can have a big impact on your health over time. Park further away, always take the stairs, and find other ways to increase your activity. A little effort can make a big difference in the long run. A health tracker could be useful if you want an accurate picture of how much you currently move. Exercising when you get the time is recommended too – whatever you enjoy is best because you’ll stick to it. 

It’s simple advice, but there’s no magic solution. Don’t ignore this health advice if you want to look after yourself! 

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