JoJo Siwa Singing Doll and Bow

JoJo Siwa is a youtube sensation adored by pre-teen girls the world over.

Although Eliza hasn’t taken to watching her channel, she does love the JoJo Bow craze she started and last week we reviewed the JoJo Bow Maker to make our own signature bows.

Now you can get your very own Jojo with the bow-bow doll!

JOJO Siwa Doll

The 10″ JoJo doll is sporting her signature oversized yellow bow and sings her hit song, “boomerang!” but pressing a button on her stomach.

JoJo Siwa Doll

The Jojo doll features poseable arms and legs and comes with a pink microphone, and a hairbrush to Eliza brush and style her flowing blonde locks, complete with funky rainbow stripes.

JoJo Bows

We were also sent a fabulous Bodacious Bow in yellow, for Eliza to wear which matches the doll and it even feature a bonus hair extension for a cool colour streak!

JoJo Bows

Eliza was over the moon with her bow and hair extension as she looks just like the doll and I am already planning on getting her the other colours to add to her stocking at Christmas.

If you have a JoJo Bow loving girl in the house she would love this doll and coordinating bow.

13 thoughts on “JoJo Siwa Singing Doll and Bow”

  1. Ooh, could well be the perfect Christmas present for my niece. Having a one year old, I’m not yet “on trend” with toys for the older children. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I’ve never heard of her before, so I just googled her… how I’ve never heard my cousin mention her is beyond me… her videos have so many views! This is a great Christmas present for a fan!

  3. Jojo is absoulately everywhere isn’t she ! Alessia has tons of stuff on her Xmas list and this is one of them . Haven’t managed to pick one up yet ! Xx


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