Christmas Fun at Upton Country Park

On the run up to Christmas, we made a visit to Upton Country Park to see their wonderful woodland grotto and new adventure play area.

Upton Country Park is a stunning place to visit in Poole and is situated on the northwestern shoreline of Holes Bay. There is a country house, walking trails, manicured gardens and a small cafe to visit and it is all free, apart from the small cost of parking.

The Woodland Grotto was set up just behind the walled garden and we were greeted by a rather enthusiastic elf, who we know as the fabulous AJ from Mad4Animals, who did Sebby’s birthday party back in June.

Mad4AnimalsThe visit started in a wooden cabin, where the kids sat around a Christmas tree to hear a story read by an elf, whilst the adults were treated to a warm drink.

Christmas Tree

Once the story had finished, we headed outside, where we got to see AJ again, who brought out a gorgeous Scops Owl and told us how that it would be helping Father Christmas on the big day.

Scops Owl

We also got the chance to pose for some photo’s.


There were also donkeys to meet, crazy and fun elf’s, and of course the big man himself.

Father Christmas

The kids got to spend a good amount of time with Father Christmas to make sure he knew what they all wanted, and where they were staying. When we came out, they got to go in the pens and stroke the donkey’s.


Photo’s were also included as part of the package and all the children got a photo each of them with Father Christmas, which was a lovely touch and there were also games and activities for the kids to try on offer too.

Wooden Figures

The Mad4Animals team will be back at Upton Country Park during February half term. Find out more on their facebook page.

Did you got to any local events over Christmas?

18 thoughts on “Christmas Fun at Upton Country Park”

  1. Awwwwww the donkeys!!!! The owl too!!! It sounds like a marvellous grotto and a fab place for families to visit on the Christmas run down! I like the fact adults get a warm drink too! Unfortunately my daughter is in the ‘that’s not cool’ phase these days 🙁 I loved visiting Christmas grottos! Sim x


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