Christmas Jumper Day

Saturday is Caption Day – 19th December 2015 #satcap

Hello and welcome to the penultimate #satcap of 2015!

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

Yesterday was Christmas Jumper Day and all the kids got to wear there’s to school for a donation to charity. I managed to get lovely photo’s of all of them except for Sebastian who looked less than impressed.

Can you Caption this?

Christmas Jumper Day

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Saturday is Caption Day – 14th November 2015

Hello and welcome to this weeks #satcap

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

Last week we went to see WWE Live in Birmingham and they put on a brilliant show.

This picture is Kane vs Big Show and Big Show doesn’t look to impressed, but what do you think he is thinking?


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Saturday is Caption Day – 7th November 2015

Hello and welcome to this weeks #satcap

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

Last weekend we took a very foggy trip up to Chessington where we spent most of the day in the zoo looking at all the animals. Sadly the Gorilla’s didn’t want to come and see us, but Isaac did get to measure up against one.

Can you caption this?


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Saturday is Caption Day – 31st October 2015

Hello and welcome to this weeks #satcap

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

Last weekend we went to Kidzania in London and Isaac and Eliza had great fun trying out jobs for the day, but there wasn’t a great deal for Sebby to do so we made our own fun……….. not sure he quite gets the idea of hide and seek though.

Can you caption this?


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Lemur Landings

Saturday is Caption Day – 24th October 2015

Hello and welcome to this weeks #satcap

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

I help run a local networking group called Lemur Linkup which offers social media advise to businesses and bloggers and this week we had a meeting to discuss topics for the next few month. We hold our sessions in Lemur Landings soft play centre so people can come with their small people and Sebby loves coming with me. Not sure he wanted to input anything to our meeting judging by his face here.

Can you caption this?

Lemur Landings

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Saturday is Caption Day – 17th October 2015

Hello and welcome to this weeks #satcap

If you have not taken part before please come and join in. Simply find a funny / cheeky / captionable photo and upload it to your blog with a sentence or three about it. Then link it up with me below and visit the other people who link up and have a giggle as you come up with some humourous captions!

This week Sebastian got the CBeebies magazine which had a toy camera on the front. Being a blogger it is always me behind the lens, but I think Sebby has found his new role and was running around the house papping everything and everyone he could see, demanding we say “Cheese”.

Can you caption this?


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