Aritaum Essential Skin Care Tips for Your 20s

Your 20s are a great time to begin incorporating skin care habits that will serve you well in the long run. Your skin in your 20s is still receptive to skincare investments like using Aritaum that will save you a lot of time, effort, and money down the line. Your skin care regimen at this age is more focused on prevention and building up healthy foundations rather than treatment as with skin care in your 30s and beyond. 

Here are essential skin care tips for your 20s:

  • Wear sunscreen daily. The sun’s UVA and UVB rays can cause premature skin aging especially when you are regularly exposed to the sun without protection. Thus, it is important to start wearing sunscreen daily starting in your 20s to minimize sun-related skin damage. Always apply sunblock at least 30 minutes before going out, even during cloudy and rainy days, because UVB rays are still present in such weather conditions and cause damage to your skin. Choose a sunscreen with at least 35 SPF (sun protection factor) can block both UVA and UVB rays (broad spectrum protection).
  • Be mindful about makeup. Many young adult women are drawn to experimenting with makeup in their 20s. Although acquiring makeup skills is good and makes yourself more attractive, lady-like, and presentable, do keep in mind that too much makeup is not good because it might damage your skin, especially if your cosmetic products are loaded with toxic chemicals. If you do need to wear makeup frequently, invest in hypoallergenic, high-quality, and ideally natural-based cosmetics that allow your skin to breathe and do not cause irritation. Also, always remove makeup before going to bed, as sleeping with your makeup on can be very damaging to your skin, clogging your pores that can lead to breakouts. No matter how busy your schedule gets, always make removing makeup off before bed a priority.
  • Check with your dermatologist regularly. Although your skin in your 20s is relatively free of serious issues and can easily recover from various stressors, it is never too early to have your skin checked with a dermatologist. Your dermatologist may detect skin issues like skin pigmentation and recommend prevention tips before they get worsened in your later years. Your doctor may also help you select the right products for your skin type, which is a great benefit because choosing the right skin care products may be confusing.
  • Maintain hygiene. Hygiene is also important in maintaining clear and smooth skin. It isn’t just your cosmetic and skin care products that must be monitored, but your other hygiene habits as well. Keep your clothes and environment clean to prevent bacteria that can cause breakouts and irritation when they come in contact with your skin. Wash your hands before washing your face and using makeup, clean gadgets that come in contact with your skin, avoid using dirty towels, change your beddings and pillowcases regularly, and sanitize makeup tools and brushes frequently.
  • Invest in a good eye cream. The skin around the eyes is very sensitive because it doesn’t have oil glands and produce sebum. It is susceptible to stressors and easily displays signs of stress or aging like dark circles and fine lines more so than other areas. Invest in a good eye cream that moisturizes and brightens up your eye areas, and apply religiously every night. Use your ring finger when applying eye cream, since it exerts the least pressure, perfect for the delicate skin around your eye areas.
  • Get enough sleep. When you’re in your 20s, you can feel invincible and start doing things like partying, working overtime, and doing night shifts that can lead you to sleep late frequently or lack enough sleep. Do not fall for this trap, since not getting enough sleep over prolonged periods will wreak havoc on your health and body eventually. 
  • Cut out smoking and alcohol. Smoking and excessive drinking accelerate free radical damage in the body, which causes dull skin and early skin aging. While bad results from drinking and smoking may not come easily in your 20s, it will surely get back at you once you hit your 30s. Instead, choose to eat healthy especially antioxidant-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, which help fight free radical damage and assist cell repairing and renewal. Cut out these vices early and your body (and skin) will thank you later.

Taking care of your skin and body while you are in your 20s is a good thing. By adopting a healthy lifestyle and good skin care habits with Aritaum, your 20s are a great time for investing in things that pay off well in the future while having fun at the same time.

4 thoughts on “Aritaum Essential Skin Care Tips for Your 20s”

  1. You brought a smile on my face. You are so right that we should age gracefully and take care of our skin , we should definitely take out some time from our bust schedule to take a good care of our skin health.


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