I have been a big fan of the Anywayup Cup for many years.
These cups have saved many a carpet from the spills that come with having a baby / toddler who like to try and pour their drink everywhere.
The Anywayup Cup relaunched in 2012 and I was lucky enough to be sent some of their cups to review. These cups are still going strong and have really stood the test of time, with Sebastian starting to use them now too.
The lovely team at Anywayup Cup have offered me their classic cow cup to give away, alongside their all new Cow beaker!
The Anywayup Classic Cow Cup features the original inbuilt leak-proof Haberman Valve, so there’s no assembly required, no fiddly bits to lose and it’s easy to clean.
The beaker is designed to develop independent drinking skills, for the later stages of drinking confidence, simply remove the lid to allow them to use it as an open beaker and now it has a big brother – the Cow Beaker!
To enter:
- Fill in the Rafflecopter widget below to verify your entries
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- Please read the rules below
- Closing Date: 27th July 2014
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- You need to complete the mandatory entry first – Leave a comment
- Rafflecopter will tweet, like and follow on your behalf making it really easy to enter
- Really want to win the prize? Come back every day for bonus entries via twitter
- Terms and Conditions can be found in the Rafflecopter form below
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Win competitions at ThePrizeFinder.com – See more at: http://www.theprizefinder.com/content/anywayupcup-cow-beaker-and-cup#sthash.sAwxXBgy.dpuf
bird cup 😀
360 toddler cup
The highflying bird cup xx
I love the bird cup 🙂
360 toddler cup
classic beaker x
suckle feeder
Haberman Lovi Bottle Warmer
Bird Cup <3
bid cup 🙂
They sell bottle warmers too!
360 toddler cup
360 degree toddler
electronic breast pump
360 toddler cup 🙂
Bottle warmers
360 toddler cup 🙂
Haberman Lovi Bottle Warmer
Bird cup
360° Junior beaker
Bottle Warmer
bird cup
Bird Cup
Bird cup
360 toddler cup
Bird cup
360 toddler
360 toddler cup
Bottle Warmer
360 Toddler Cup
Bird Cup
360° Junior beaker
360 degree toddler cup! 🙂
bird cup
bird cup
bird cup
360 toddler cup
Bird cup
Bottle Warmer.
Another item is the suckle feeder. 🙂
360 junior
360 Toddler Cup.
bird cup
Bottle warmer
Bird Cup
360 toddler cup!
Bird cup
Breast Pump – manual
Bird cup.
360 Toddler cup is just what i’ve been looking for!
360 Toddler Cup
Classic Cup
Bird cup
classic cup
360° Toddler cup
Bird cup
Bird Cup
Bird cup
Classic Cup
SUCK! The iconic classic beaker 🙂 x
Thank you for hosting this giveaway x
hi the Suckle Feeder x
Suckle Feeder
bird cup
Bird Cup – so cute!
Bird cup – very cool!
cow cup lids
cow cup lids
Classic Cup
360 degree toddler
Bottle Warmer
360 toddler cup
Haberman Lovi Soother
suckle feeder
Classic cup
360° Toddler – I think I need one for me!
360° Toddler – I think I need one
Bottle warmer!!
360 degree toddler
suckle feeder
The high flyer bird cup
Classic beaker
The bird cup is very cute 🙂
360 toddler cup
The 360 toddler cup
Bird Cup!
360 toddler cup
bird cup
360 toddler cup
360 junior
the bird cup
Bird Cup
bird cup
360 toddler cup
Bottle warmer
360 toddler cup
Bird Cup
Bottle Warmer
Bird Cup
360′ Toddle 🙂
bottle warmer
Bird Cup
oooOOoo the electronic breast pump!
Nipple Shields
The highflying bird cup
Bird Cup
bird cup
The 360 toddler cup
suckle feeder
The Bird Cup
The 360 toddler cup
Bottle Warmer
Bird Cup
360 degree toddler
Bottle warmer
bird cup
360 Toddler Cup
bird cup
Classic cup
Suckle Feeder
Bird Cup x
Classic cup
Bird cup
360 toddler
Bottle Warmer
360 toddler cup 🙂
The High Flying Bird Cup
Bird Cup
Anywayup Classic beaker
Bird cup
Classic beaker
The High flyer Bird cup
The Bird Cup
Bottle warmer x
The bird cup
Bird Cup
360 Toddler
bird cup
The highflying bird cup
bottle warmer
I love the funky bird cup.
Bird cup
360 degree junior
The High Flying Bird Cup