Week 28 – consultant appointment

I can’t believe that I am entering my third trimester of pregnancy and after all the initial problems it has been flying by.

This week I seem to have hit a wall. After weeks of feeling fit and healthy I developed a heavy cold and cough and since then I have felt run down and exhausted – I don’t remember feeling like this with any of my others!

I mentioned this at my consultant appointment so they took some bloods to make sure I’m not anaemic. I should get the results on Monday.

Diabetes wise, I am managing well with just a couple of hiccups along the way, although I have been told to eat more as I’ve only actually put on 6lbs and by this stage the average weight gain is around 20lbs! Sadly this means fruit and vegetables rather than chocolate and cake!

I tried to persuade the sonographer to give me a scan photo as she managed to get a gorgeous profile shot of the baby, but they don’t give them out these days! Measurement wise, baby is now perfectly average although he has a big head – a trait I do not appreciate and is thanks to my husband!! I will continue with bi-weekly scans now up until my induction at 38 weeks which is great as I get to see baby is doing well, but also a pain as each appointment lasts about two hours which equals bored children.

I have one more week of work left before Maternity leave.  I have had a few comments about starting it early (29 weeks), but because of the consultant appointments and the sheer exhaustion I have felt, I feel I have no choice.  I worked right up to having most my others, but have found that having some rest time before baby arrives is beneficial as I certainly won’t get any after!!

So this is me at 28 weeks – I have lost the ability to see my feet and have been told on numerous occasions that I am huge!


4 thoughts on “Week 28 – consultant appointment”

  1. Due to developing a DVT, AT 29 weeks (drs thought it could of been due to a hol to Scotland at around 15 weeks, then Pre eclampsia around week 34, with my first, i too started my maternity with the second at 29 weeks. With my second i had to take daily blood thinning injections, see the midwife every other week and consultant in the weeks inbetween, and go for blood tests every week. I just thought if i was at home, there would be less stress, more chance of resting, and hopefully not end up in hospital for weeks before the birth and away from my eldest. I still got comments on finnishing so early, the “oh i worked right up till the end with mine”, made me feel awful infact. Deep down I KNEW i wasn’t lazy, idle, or just not as good as others. I made the choice for the health my baby, for my health, and for the best for MY family. I had the smoothiest time, no complications, healthy baby, healthy me, and have never regretted it. xx

    • Sounds like you had a nightmare!
      Working until the end is great if you feel healthy and have a supportive job as I have done in the past, but if your health is suffering or you feel tired, then why shouldn’t you have the time off. As it is I will have to go back to work earlier, but I work from home so that really is not a problem!

  2. Wow, that is early but in your line of work I’m not particularly surprised that you’re finishing next week, I think I would too. You do seem to have bloomed beautifully since Nymans, I think you look gorgeous!


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