A List of Top Supplements for Optimal Health

What is the most important thing in life? Some people might say family while others mention their careers or material possessions, but when something goes wrong with our health, it’s easy to see that optimal health and wellbeing is clearly the most important factor in overall life quality.  

Whether you have a healthy balanced diet or not, chances are you are missing certain key minerals and nutrients. This is the case for the majority of us, regardless of our best dietary intentions. The solution is to use supplements to plug the gaps and ensure our optimal health. 


When we don’t get enough vitamins and minerals in our diets, it can lead to health conditions and a lower quality of life; conversely, with the right vitamins and minerals, we can enjoy healthy skin, better metabolic rates, and less stress. So how can we ensure we get enough nutrients?

The answer is by supporting our health and wellbeing with multivitamins. A quality multivitamin can be taken daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your requirements. However, it is recommended to take one regard of your diet to ensure you are getting the right amounts.  

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin which means that it is not produced naturally in the body; instead, vitamin C must be ingested from various fruits and vegetables. The good news is that vitamin C is an abundant vitamin, so you can source it easily in many available food types. 

Along with being an essential vitamin, vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant and solution to the problem of free radicals in the body. Free radicals are molecules with unstable electrons; they are responsible for causing aging and other health conditions, so take enough vitamin C.   

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another essential vitamin that your body does not produce naturally; in most cases, people get their vitamin D input from the sun – the sun is a rich source of this vitamin – but if you live in a cloudy part of the world, you might have to find vitamin D foods or use a supplement. 

Vitamin D is responsible for maintaining a healthy immune system and guarding against certain respiratory issues and infections. Additionally, vitamin D is responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus to support bones. Take vitamin D alone or as part of a multivitamin.  



Normally zinc is included in a quality multivitamin supplement, so you shouldn’t have to worry about a zinc deficiency if you support your health and wellbeing in this way. However, if you experience the symptoms of zinc deficiency, don’t hesitate to obtain a quality zinc supplement. 

The body only needs a small amount of zinc to function properly, and this is available in milk, whole grains, and fortified cereal. But if you don’t eat these foods in the morning, you might be prone to colds, viruses, and inflammation issues. Try a zinc supplement to eliminate any issues. 


Magnesium is found in leafy greens, nuts, seeds, certain fruits like bananas, and whole grains. Magnesium is a mineral that supports the nervous system, blood pressure and regulates the heart; without proper amounts of magnesium, you might suffer from irregularities and spasms. 

It’s not always easy to tell if you have a magnesium deficiency, so if you suspect you do, it’s worth consulting with a health professional. If the issue is minor, you could try introducing a quality magnesium supplement such as  MAGSUPPS into your diet to reduce your symptoms.


The body is full of bacteria – both good and bad bacteria. The bad bacteria are responsible for certain illnesses and diseases, but that’s only when the body is out of balance. When you balance good and bad bacteria, you maintain optimal health and wellbeing in the long term. 

If you have recently been on a course of antibiotics, you might have reduced amounts of healthy bacteria in your gut which can lead to further illness and disease. The answer is to supplement your diet with probiotics to introduce more healthy bacteria into your gut to support your health.      

Final Thoughts 

Most people would agree that taking a supplement is a sensible idea; it ensures your body has all the essential nutrients and minerals its needs – along with the ones it doesn’t get from food sources. However, it can be hard to tell which ones you’re lacking and what supplements to choose. Always opt for a quality multivitamin and ask your doctor for a blood test now and then. 

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