Feeling Overscheduled

I often see reports that kids are becoming over-scheduled with a constant round of extra-curricular activities and it is something I am wary of with mine.

We do some after-school clubs, but I feel we have a happy balance between time outside having fun, time spent on technology and time doing clubs.

The problem I have is that having four children still at home, I am the one being over-scheduled with various school / club runs and now that I am back to work part-time myself it is a real added pressure.

A normal week after school looks like this:

Monday: Rainbows – Eliza 5-6pm; Lifeguard Training – Kian 6pm – 10pm; Swimming – Isaac 7.30pm – 8.15pm

Tuesday: Choir – Eliza 3.30 – 4.15pm; Lifeguard Training – Kian 6pm – 10.00pm

Wednesday: Swimming – Sebby 1.00-1.30pm; Maths Club – Isaac 3.30-4.30pm; Swimming – Eliza 5.30-6.00pm; Swimming – Isaac 7.30-8.30pm

Thursday: Lifeguard Training – Kian 6pm – 10.00pm; Cubs – Isaac 6.30 – 8.15pm

Friday: Beavers – Eliza 6.20 – 7.15pm

Weekend: Kian Work, various times. Swimming – Isaac – 4.00-5.00pm Sunday

Thankfully for me, Kian finished his Lifeguard Training this week and passed his course with flying colours *Proud Mum Alert*, so that is one less thing to worry about, although his place of work will now be open evenings during the week now the spring / summer season is here which means he will potentially be working.

I have to say that with the exception of Isaac’s swimming, all clubs are taking a break for Easter so I am looking forward to a well deserved break of playing ‘Mum’s Taxi’.

Roll on the summer when Kian turns 17 and starts learning to drive. At least he will be able to start driving himself around and that is one less child to ferry around here, there and everywhere when he passes.

Do you feel over-scheduled with school runs, clubs etc, how do you manage?


14 thoughts on “Feeling Overscheduled”

  1. My youngest is only at one after school club from 3pm to 4pm and we always feel so rushed on a Monday. By the time she’s had tea, learned her spellings, done homework and read there leaves little time for anything else before bed….I don’t think her or myself would cope with any other after school activities. Just one is enough for us.
    Well done Kian with the lifeguard training!
    Enjoy the Easter holidays x

  2. Very well done to Kian on passing his lifeguard training!
    I can so relate to this! This has been our life for years. I will always say my kids ‘only’ do three activities each, but it’s when I add the three kids together, it all gets too much for me! My daughter has dance lessons four days a week after school (with a double lesson on Tuesday), the younger two have Scouts on Monday and my eldest has Explorers on Tuesday, plus helping with Beavers on Monday. Weekends are all about football and rugby and they also like to drop things on me like extra Explorers or extra rugby practise! I pretty much run on autopilot, but mealtimes are a juggling act and they do suffer a bit. I’m so glad we get a break over Easter.

  3. Wow – how do you fit all that in, you must be knackered. My kids do swimming on a Saturday first thing and then the older goes to kick boxing on a Monday. To be honest, around full time work I can’t make a lot of activities for them and I do feel guilty. My oldest though used to go to Beavers and said he didn’t want to go any more. When I asked him what he did there he said “work”! Enough said, I let him drop out 🙂

  4. The only night off we have is Thursdays and last week it was parents’ evening at school for both of them. Last night I had to go straight after school with the kids to a meeting. It seems neverending at times!

  5. Well done Kian! I do think this can be the case when children are having one activity after another, but I also think it depends on the child, their age and interests. My eldest is almost 13 and he plays football nearly every day. He does it because he loves it and I love it because it means he isn’t sat in on his x-box!

  6. Well done Kian! Super job! You are crazy busy, thankfully my mummy only takes me to stagecoach on Saturday mornings and swimming occasionally but I’m sure this will all change when I hit school 😉

  7. Well done Kian! You sound super busy but I am sure your kids benefit from all these activities! I would need to schedule in a nap time to keep up haha.

  8. Oh my goodness you do so much! My son was doing one after school club a week and that felt like quite a lot to us, I’ve quite enjoyed the break and while I know he needs to start swimming lessons I’m not looking forward to the battle because his sister is too young to go. Sigh…


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