Cybher – The day

Sat in the dim lights of the ballroom we sat waiting for the conference to begin, we were all having a lovely chat before it was time to start.

An emotional and slightly nervous geekisnewchic welcomed us and introduced us to the panel and we were off.

Firstly there was a discussion on the future of blogging, which brought about much debate around sponsored posts and whether you can earn money from blogging.  This then moved on to a talk on the Darker side of Blogging which definitely gave me food for thought.

The first session I chose to attend was Competitions and the Law by Spark & Fuse and SuperLuckyDi.  A lot of the information they provided was common sense, but I was quite surprised by how stringent the law is.  I love entering competitions and I love running them even more but I am shocked by the length some people go to to win them.  It has made me think twice about putting my comps on MSE.

Session two saw Charlotte and I go to the sponsors area.  We met the lovely tweeps from Disney who promote shows such as Desperate Housewives and Once Upon a Time.  I had no idea they were involved in stuff for us grown ups too!

Love this picture of me with the characters

We were also introduced to the delights of Freya Lingerie.  They were offering a proper fitting service, and being a busy mum, I have not been measure in over a year so I thought I would give it a go.  I knew the bra’s I was wearing were too small, but thought I had shrunk them in the wash.  I couldn’t be more shocked to find I was way way out.  I thought I was a 36C when in fact i measured a 34FF.  Still can’t believe it but am excited about going shopping when I have available funds and seeing the difference a correctly fitting bra does to my appearance.

Cybher also provided a make up service – well who couldn’t resist a touch up?

Next up was lunch.  Lots of lovely sandwiches on a variety of different breads hit the spot nicely and I got to meet and chat to more lovely twitter friends.


Session Three was probably my favourite of the day.  Ask a Blogger Geek with Nicki O’Hara.  I am fairly new to blogging and still very much finding my feet, but this was a fantastic session.  Blogger can do so much more than I ever dreamed and Nicky was so knowledgeable, yet down to earth and fun which really made the session interesting.  I cannot wait to implement some changes on my blog now!!

Session Four was Ask a Blogger.  I was very excited to meet blogger royalty @tara_cain.  The session itself was interesting to a point but some random man, not sure where he came from, seem to hi-jack it with his questions and the most amusing point of the day was when @feistytapas text me to say that she had received my weekly email round up!! (She was sitting two seats away)

Session Five was Cheeky Chats with In the Powder Room.  The offer of free wine seemed to bring in the crowds and we learned all about their new launch WeShop which is a fabulous idea and I cannot wait for it to be launched.

Next up, I met up with the lovely Sandra from Thinking Slimmer.  I am excited to say that I am going to be testing out their Slim Pod and Fit Pod, so I will keep you up to date with my progress.

Look – I am on Wisteria Lane

During the closing sessions I got to meet even more of my favourite bloggers and tweeters, I just wish I had time to meet everyone on my list!

My overall day was fantastic.  I wish there had been pre-arranged drinkies at the end, as everyone seemed to just wander away and do their own thing.  The badges were hard to see too, so next year I intend to wear a t-shirt with my name and twitter name on it so I am easy to spot.  I am disappointed I missed out on some other reportedly fabulous sessions, but I fully intend to catch up with them online.

Most importantly – I have come away inspired and more confident in my own ability and I have all you lovely ladies, a few gentlemen and of course Cybher12 to thank!

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