Thinking Slimmer – Month One

On Saturday 26th May I blogged about Getting Fit with Thinking Slimmer.

For the last month I have been listening to my Beach Body Slimpod and Fitpod every day in the hope of dropping a dress size and getting fit.

If I am honest, it hasn’t all been plain sailing.  I have just set up as a Childminder and have taken on a number of mindees in the last 6 weeks, which has really limited any spare time I have.

My plan was to got out cycling, which is now impossible on the days I am minding, and the days I am not have all been horrendous weather wise.  Personally I don’t mind getting wet, but it isn’t fair on Eliza who’d be sat on the back of the bike.

I also intended to go swimming, when the kids had their lessons.  Again, I am now minding those days and I cannot afford to turn down work.

That said, I have noticed a difference in my eating habits.  I have stopped grazing from the kids plates and am making far healthier food choices for myself.  I am also much more motivated to get outside and take the kids for a walk even if it is raining – pushing a double buggy can be exercise enough sometimes!!

So what is my progress?

I have lost 5lbs in weight in a month, and have effectively dropped a jean size as I can now get into my size 12 jeans without having to hold my breath for the entire day.

Here are my before and after measurements:

Bust – 34″ – Remains the same at 34″

Waist – 35″ – Now 33″

Tummy – 39″  – Now 37.5″

Hips – 40″ – Now 39″
After just a month, I think this is good progress and I am determined to keep going.
If anyone has any tips for exercise with toddlers, please do share them with me as my next challenge is to tone up, especially around my middle and I am looking into getting a trailer for my bike, although they are quite pricey!

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