Project 365 2025 – Week 8

Half term is here and we were all ready for the week long break, despite the weather gods doing their best to spoil our fun.

We enjoyed a week of days out, although it is becoming clear that the kids no longer enjoy days out with the old folk, preferring to spend time with friends, although they did appreciate the chance to get a few instagram pics for their profiles.

Here is our week:

Sunday 16th February

Despite being off for two days prior, I was rota’d in to work today, so left the kids at home with Dad. I have made the decision that I won’t do anymore Sunday’s if I am not in the couple of days before, as I was well and truly stitched up with no staff and was shattered by the time I got home. Thankfully I had a much needed roast dinner waiting for me when I got home.

Monday 17th February

And relax……..half term can officially begin.

We started the week with a visit to Not the Fort in Weymouth, as they had lots of half term activities on, including abseiling, climbing and an army obstacle course.

Sadly for us, we got there at lunchtime and most of the activities were fully booked, but the kids were more than happy to stay out of the cold and explore all the tunnels underneath the fort.

We did brave the elements and walked along stone pier at the base of the fort – can you tell it was a bit breezy?

Tuesday 18th February

We used to go away for February half term, but sadly we can’t afford it at the moment, but we did have one night away from home in Gloucestershire.

As the weather was so nice, we made a couple of stops along the way. The first was Castle Combe and from there we headed to Gloucester itself to visit the cathedral, a Harry Potter filming location.

It was then a short drive to our home for the night, The Beacon and Railway Hotel near Cheltenham.

Wednesday 19th February

For Isaac’s birthday last year, we bought him a one hour flying lesson and today was the day!

His flight was at Clifton Aviation, which is based at Gloucester Airport and he loved it. Sadly, despite a dry forecast, it was a damp and overcast day, but he got a taste of what it might be like to be a pilot, and his first hour of flying under his belt.

We had planned to visit The Diddly Squat Farm Shop on the way home, but sadly it’s closed until 1st March, so we made a short pitstop in Bourton-on-the-Water, before heading home.

Thursday 20th February

Isaac and Eliza have both done volunteering work with the Wild Brownsea Young Conservationists and today we were invited to the opening of their new Lookout, which looks over the lagoon.

It is absolutely stunning inside and the views over the lagoon are amazing. We managed to spot lots of wading birds including avocets, spoonbill, plovers and few shell ducks. There were also opportunities to make pinecone bird feeders, help build some dead hedges and do some crafting.

We were all soaked by the end of the day, but thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Friday 21st February

We had plans to go and see Callan today, but I had to wait in for one of my tyres to be replaced, so we enjoyed a chilled day at home.

We added one of the pine cone bird feeders to our feeding pole, but the squirrels couldn’t resist it and destroyed it in minutes!!

Saturday 22nd February

Tyre replaced, we headed to see Callan, Chelsea and Barney in Sussex with just Sebby as Isaac was working and Eliza with friends.

It always amazes me how much babies change and despite seeing him a couple of weeks ago, he is now starting to really babble and form words.

How was your half term?

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5 thoughts on “Project 365 2025 – Week 8”

  1. The Sunday sounds horrendous at work, good job for the roast dinner to come home to.
    It sounds like a good visit to the fort and what a lovely time you had in Gloucestershire. Oh yes, I recognise that cathedral from Harry Potter. How exciting for Isaac to have a flying lesson.
    What a great half term. x

  2. Rough Sunday working. Nothe Fort is such a good visit, although N was really young when we went. He’d probably find it more interesting now! But I know what you mean about days out. N never wants to come unless it’s a trip of his choosing with a friend. He’s already told me he doesn’t want to come when we meet up with my best friend I’ve not seen for 3 years. Her kids are Y7 and then 8yo so it’s quite a big gap, trying to find something they’ll all like to do. We were debating Cadbury World, and staying over then doing something in Birmingham city centre, but with the 8yo being a girl too it makes it so much harder.

  3. It looks like you’ve all had fun this half-term, the inside of the cathedral is stunning! They all look like really nice places you visited.
    How exciting for Isaac, he’s very brave I would be terrified in a tiny plane. What an experience for him.
    That lookout is amazing, I really want to encourage more birds into the garden this year.
    How lovely that you got to spend some time with your grandson, they really do grow so quickly.

  4. That roast dinner looks good – nice to have that waiting for you when you got home from work. The photos from your trip away to Gloucestershire are beautiful. Glad Isaac enjoyed his flying lesson. The day at the Lookout looks and sounds really interesting. Sounds like you had a lovely half-term. #project365

  5. How lovely to come home from a day at work to a full Sunday roast. sounds like you had a lovely half term up in my neck of the woods, Gloucestershire. How exciting to have a flying lesson. Sounds like you packed an awful lot in.


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