Busy, busy busy.
The last two weeks have flown by, mostly due to working a stupid amount of hours on the run up to Christmas to help cover sickness at work and squeezing in some birthday celebrations.
Here is our last two weeks.
Sunday 1st December
What is it with kids and boxes?
Doesn’t matter how old they are – it still makes a great toy!

Monday 2nd December
The contents of yesterday’s box is now in place.

I have been jealous of my Mum’s log burner for a long time, but living in a terrace has put pay to having one, however, I discovered a bioethanol powered one on TikTok, so invested in one as an early Christmas present.
Just need to pin the wires back, but really happy with it.
Tuesday 3rd December
A work day and spent half of it scrabbling about on the floor trying to fix a till, but I don’t think the people on our helpdesk understood my cable challenge.

I fixed it, only to find that by fixing one part, another went wrong, so we needed an engineer call out in the end.
Wednesday 4th December
It was my Mum’s birthday on Sunday, but she went out with my step-brother that day, so it was our turn to treat her today.

The Ivy has just opened its doors in Bournenouth and I managed to book a table for lunch.

The restaurant is gorgeous and the food was in incredible, but we did wince a little at the bill. We definitely won’t be visiting regularly, but it was a lovely treat and the perfect place to celebrate a birthday.

In evening, we took her home via Minterne House and Gardens to see their Christmas lights, although we were all caught out by the rain!

Thursday 5th December
Sadly back to work for me and it is full on with charity donations for lots of schools and charities.

The most popular request at the moment – mince pies!
Friday 6th December
I have been having my nails done since my birthday in June and am slowly working my way through the colour wheel. As a Chelsea fan, red is never on the cards, but seeing as its almost Christmas, it had to be done!!

Saturday 7th December
A busy day at work, followed by our works Christmas party where I failed to take a single photo. I did manage to get one of Willow, who was happily climbing all over Eliza.

Sunday 8th December
I try to work at least one Sunday a month, as we still get a little extra pay for doing so and this was a particularly fun one, as Father Christmas arrived in his sleigh and was giving all the children teddy bear gifts.

Monday 9th December
It’s that time of year where I have charities in collecting almost every day and my favourites are always the ones who entertain the customers.

This choir won a Community grant from us earlier in the year and are voiced by people with lung disease. The singing helps strengthen their lungs, as well as giving them the social aspect of the group.
Tuesday 10th December
Lilah’s 5th birthday and her birthday treat was a trip to the Pavilion for their pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk.

It was brilliant fun, although Lilah didn’t like the 3D bit in the middle, but the big kids did!

Wednesday 11th December
I had a stupidly early start at work, which wasn’t idea after the panto, but I just about made it. In the evening, the kids put up the Christmas tree and apart from a few minor adjustments, they did a great job.

Thursday 12th December
Eliza had an orthodontist appointment in the morning in the New Forest to have her braces fitted.

She was really brave and despite her mouth aching, she performed in the Poole Schools Carol Concert at the Lighthouse with Isaac in the evening.

Isaac surprised us by doing one of the readings too!
Friday 13th December
Another stupidly early shift for me, but I still managed to dress up as an elf for our groups elf day.

There were only three of us dressed up, so I did get some funny looks.
Saturday 14th December
Another work day and it wasn’t a busy one, despite being a couple of weeks until Christmas. We don’t carry much non-food in our store, so think people were out present shopping rather than food shopping.

Willow is properly awake and in exploration mode at the moment, but we have to keep tabs on her as she keeps getting onto places we cannot rescue her from!
How was your week?
Yay to the braces. Hope she’s not had too much pain or trouble with them. N’s are now the tightest he’s had them (hopefully now to close them up a bit as since he started he now has a gap between his front two that he hates and didn’t have to start with, but hopefully not too much longer to go for him). I’m impressed your kids put up the tree. N gets bored halfway through – this year he got part way through helping with the lights, but didn’t make it much further than a couple of baubles.
I don’t envy you working in retail in the run up to Christmas. I hope you are finding some time to relax.
The new fire looks great!
Happy belated birthday to your mum! It sounds like she had a lovely celebration.
Your tree looks fab! Well done to the kids.
I hope Eliza is getting on OK with her braces. x
The photo of Eliza in the box made me chuckle. How lovely to have dinner at The Ivy with your mum for her birthday. Love the red sparkly nails. How fun to have Father Christmas visit and have a choir come and sing at work. Love your Christmas tree. Hope Eliza and Isaac enjoyed taking part in the schools’ carol concert. #project365
Dinner at the Ivy with your mum sounds lovely. I dread to think how eye watering the bill was. The Elf costume looks fun. I love the red sparkly nails. The kids have done a fab job with the Christmas tree.