And just like that, they are back to school!
We really enjoyed our week off but now we are heading into all the Christmas activities!
Here is our week:
Sunday 3rd November
Whilst I was driving back from Farnborough, my husband decided he was going to clean our gutters, well, the ones he could reach anyway.

Our house backs onto a park, which has massive pine trees along our garden border, so our gutters are always full of pine needles this time of year.
Monday 4th November
Another of our regular tasks is tackling the mould in the boys room. We have out new windows in, had the roof cleaned, changed the fascia’s, had vents put in and keep the room ventilated, but it still keeps coming back. We have even painted the wall with special paint……….if you have any suggestions they are most welcome as now at a loss how to stop it.

Tuesday 5th November
Remember, remember the 5th November. No fireworks for us tonight, although the neighbour put on a pretty impressive show. My only photo is of some trays I put in school to collect donations for our festive Friday event at the end of the month.

Wednesday 6th November
My poppy seller at work, Ken, has come down with COVID so I volunteered my day off to collect for him. Thankfully I managed to rope in a couple of colleagues and the local Rotary club to man the table for the rest of the week.

Thursday 7th November
A work day and a change over of our old Customer Service Desk till system in our store. Thankfully it all went fairly smoothly, although some don’t like it, it does make a lot of things we do much easier and more technologically up to date.
I managed to complete my Christmas toy donation trolley. I have chosen a different charity this year – Sophie’s Legacy as we don’t have much of a toy range in our store. Sophie’s Legacy provide drinks and snacks for the families of children who are on the children’s ward of Bournemouth and Poole hospital, so I am collecting a mix of gifts and food and drink, so they can celebrate Christmas as best they can during a hospital stay..

In the evening, Abbey and I were invited to the launch of The Ivy restaurant in Bournemouth with a mix of canapés and cocktails. I cannot wait to go back and eat there as everything we tried was delicious and the decor is stunning..

Friday 8th November
Another busy day at work, we seem to have a lot of staff off sick again at the moment, so spent the day covering. The evening was spent playing Mum’s taxi as Isaac had work, Sebby Youth Club and Eliza at a firework display with friends.
You know its nearly Christmas when all your donation requests are for selection boxes!!

Saturday 9th November
A manic day at work. Saturday’s have always been the busiest day of the week but it felt so much busier than normal. Maybe because we have a burst water main in Poole and everyone was coming in to buy bottled water.
I got home to flowers from my husband.

Eek! It does look like your gutters need cleaning. Well done your husband getting up there.
That is awful with the mould. My youngest girls room used to be the same until we got some boards to put on the walls. They were boards that are used in caravans, they have like a lino feel to them but since they’ve been put up there’s been no more mould and the room is warmer too.
Well done with selling the poppies and that is great to collect for a different charity. xxx
Ooh lovely flowers. My Inlaws have been getting their gutters sorted, but I think we need ours too. Have you tried a dehumidifier? My brother uses one and it really helps with the damp in his cottage, although not sure how useful it is with mould. The Ivy looked lovely on your IG.
Your gutters indeed appear to need cleaning. Your hubby did a great job climbing up there.
The mold situation is terrible. Before we had some boards to hang on the walls, my youngest daughter’s room was the same. These planks, which resemble lino, are used in caravans; however, since they were installed, the space has become warmer and there has been no more mold growth.
The only tip I have for mould is to check the attic. Sometimes it can be over insulated and the vents get blocked. You need to pull the insulation away from the edges to allow the roof to breathe properly.
That is brilliant advice, thank you. Will try that
No ideas to help with the mould but hope you can find a longer-term solution. Sophie’s Legacy sounds like a lovely charity. We had our first Christmas with Jessica on the children’s ward so I can well imagine how much drinks and snacks would be appreciated. Looks like you and Abbey had a lovely night out at The Ivy. #project365