Project 365 2024 – Week 43

We are on countdown to half term and I am also looking forward to a week off too.

Here is our week:

Sunday 20th October

Eliza and Isaac had their musical theatre group today, whilst I stayed at home with Sebby and caught up with some housework.

My only photo from today was from when Eliza stole my phone to take a selfie – not the most flattering and not sure what my husband was about to do to her head LOL.

Monday 21st October

I love working with such a diverse group of people and we have kids as young as 16 and colleagues well into their 80’s.

This week, one of our colleagues hit a milestone birthday and we made sure we celebrated by decking out her checkout. It was certainly a talking point and we even got customer feedback that it was a lovely idea.

Tuesday 22nd October

We have a new software system coming in to our checkouts next week and my phone is full of screenshots of the changes from where I have been training people, so not many actual photos this week.

I did take a picture of my Stronger Starts voting unit to post on Facebook and have only just noticed that someone has pinched one of the rosettes from the top.

Wednesday 23rd October

Wednesday is normally my day off, but I am still on the books at preschool as holiday and absence cover, so I got to put my early years teacher head back on.

It was if I had never been away and I fell straight back into it, all the kids still remembered me too which was nice and the new ones accepted me straight away. I have a couple more days lined up next month too.

My only photo is of a speaker we were unexpectedly sent to review – I was expecting headphones!

Thursday 24th October

A busy day community wise for me. I did a cheque presentation in the morning with a local school and the afternoon was a little more sombre as we said goodbye to two of the managers from Poole Food Bank who are retiring.

We all started at around the same time, so have been working closely together for the last 4 years, so they will be very much missed.

I always like visiting the Foodbank as it is in old town Poole, where all the pretty buildings are.

Friday 25th October

A day of tying up loose ends before my holiday starts, so a phone full of work photo’s again. This is my charity bookshelf and I put out a request for kids books, as these always raise lots of money, especially during half term.

Saturday 26th October

My last day at work before half term and it was a busy one as I think people are trying to get organised for the kids being off.

The weather is surprisingly mild for this time of year, so was happy to see our washing on the line when I got home from work. I much prefer line dried bedding, rather than the tumble dried.

How was your week?

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