Project 365 2024 – Week 42

An unexciting week.

I had a GP appointment to review my HRT and they have decided to up my dosage as I am still struggling with some symptoms. It can take up to 6 weeks to feel any difference, but I am hoping for sooner.

Here is my week:

Sunday 13th October

My day off and payday weekend, so Eliza decided that a trip to Bournemouth was in order for some retail therapy. Our first stop was M&S to see if their new Wicked range was in. Sadly it was all kids wear and we were about to leave disappointed until we realised it went up to age 15-16, so we left with some pyjamas from now and another set for Christmas.

Sebby chose to spend his money on some crafting sets and paint and spent the rest of the day painting a new sign for his room.

Monday 14th October

A busy day at work, we are starting to make plans for Christmas working now. I’m disappointed that we are going to be open Boxing Day again, but we do close on New Years Day again.

Eliza was very excited by the sight of a huge pigeon in our garden when we got home from school. I think it was puffing its feathers up, but was on the large side!!

We also heard from Kian, who phoned to tell us that he has a new job working 9-5 Monday to Friday! Hopefully we might get to see him a bit more often.

Tuesday 15th October

Another day of work and I was very excited by the arrival of some wine bags – it sounds silly, but customers have been asking for them and we have really struggled to get them into our store, so it was a massive win!!

Wednesday 16th October

My day off and I enjoyed having my hair cut at a salon. I have been having it done at home since COVID, but it never feels like a treat, so I booked myself an appointment with Eliza’s bestie’s Mum. I am over the moon with the results.

My husband was day off too, so we then headed off for lunch at Piazza Lounge in Wimborne, which was delicious.

Thursday 17th October

We recently had a Golden Grants day at a local Tesco Store and the Sands baby loss charity were chosen to receive a grant of £5000. Today we got to meet the charity to present a cheque and hear how they are spending the money.

We just had to present the cheque by this fantastic post box topper which was put up locally for baby loss awareness week.

Friday 18th October

Another day at work and another charity in store.

This time the lovely Val from Marie Curie, who I donated some Bucks Fizz to for an upcoming fashion show fundraiser.

Saturday 19th October

It was Dad’s turn to play taxi today as I was in work. Eliza stayed at her cousin’s house, Isaac had a D&D session with his friends, before needing a lift to and from work.

My only photo from the day is our delicious steak dinner!!

How was your week?

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2 thoughts on “Project 365 2024 – Week 42”

  1. Good luck with the new HRT dosage.
    Oh no! That is a shame that the shop is open on Boxing day with so many others deciding to close.
    Your hair looks great and what a treat to have it done in a salon.
    How wonderful that the grant went to the baby loss charity. x

  2. Hope the HRT change helps. I’m a salon goer. When my hairdresser a few years ago left to set up at home, I went to her place once. Much as she cut my hair nicely, I didn’t want to go to her house and have to have my hair washed over the bath. Had to find another salon (and hairdresser) – took 3 attempts. That steak dinner looks good.


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