UK castles to visit with your mini Kings and Queens

With the summer break fast approaching, thoughts on how to keep the kids entertained for six or more weeks are on a lot of parents’ minds. With that being said, we thought it would be a great time to show you just a handful of castles dotted around the UK that are worth a visit or two this year, allowing your minis to be kings and queens for the day, as they roam freely around ‘royal’ grounds.

So, whether you’ve booked one of the many family holidays UK destinations have to offer this summer and want to know of any castles nearby, or you’re simply looking for a day trip destination, here are a few castles that may be of interest to entertain your mini royal subjects…

Windsor Castle

Let’s begin our quest of finding the perfect castle for your little ones with a castle that is still occupied on occasion by the King and Queen themselves – Windsor Castle.

Windsor Castle is the oldest and largest occupied castle in the world and allows visitors through its doors for tours of many of the rooms, including the plush red and gold state apartments. Not only this, but on your visit, you can explore the chapel situated within the grounds where many royals have married.

Plus, if your little ones are fans of the King’s Guards, you may be lucky to spot a few of them patrolling the grounds, or even showcasing the Changing of the Guard on your visit.

St Michael’s Mount

If it’s a fairytale castle you seek this summer, then St Michael’s Mount could be the destination for you. 

Located on a little island of its own, with a pathway from the mainland to the island only appearing when the tide is out, you could easily mistake this castle and its position along the Cornish coastline as something from a book, especially if you view it at sunset. Don’t worry though, you don’t have to wait for the tide to visit, as there are boats on offer to ferry you across the waters.

Once across, there’s much to explore including a Samurai Warrior suit of armour, an unusual souvenir from a trip to Egypt to discover, and an etched windowpane where it is said that the St Aubyn daughter stood as she checked the authenticity of her diamond engagement ring before accepting a proposal.

Just remember to book your tickets online before visiting!

Alnwick Castle

If you have little ones that would prefer to be a witch or wizard, rather than a queen or king for the day, how about a trip to a castle where a certain young fictitious wizard himself took his first flying lesson?

Alnwick Castle dates back to the Norman era and has an expansive history locked within its walls, including being a place of refuge for evacuees during wartime. But, the castle is now best known as one of the many set locations for the film and television industry, making appearances in the Harry Potter franchise.

With so many castles around the UK to choose from, where will your little Royal Highnesses run wild and free this summer?

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