We are well into exam season now and Isaac seems to be coping ok. Some have gone better than others, but hopefully he seems fairly confident and has done his best.
Here is our week:
Sunday 19th May
Gone are family days out at the weekend, now it’s just Mum’s taxi. Because the school Isaac and Eliza go to isn’t the nearest one, all their friends all live a drive away.

I did the day’s taxi drop off and then went for a walk along the river to get some fresh air and to see if I could spot my beloved Kingfishers, but it wasn’t to be.

In the evening I went out for a lovely Chinese meal for a colleague’s 60th birthday and completely failed at taking any photo’s. It was delicious but far too much food!
Monday 20th May
Isaac had an early start at school for a revision session before his English Literature exam.
He thinks it went ok, although there was some concern over the poetry question. Isaac also has a job as a swimming helper for a local swim school and has continued to do his work through the exams, which I think has done him good as he gets something else to focus on and pool time.
My only photo is of a Bamboo blanket I have been sent to review. I suffer with hot flushes and night sweats, so hoping it might help.

Tuesday 21st May
The exam of the day was Physics and he started early again for a revision session.

We made the most of the nice weather and headed to the beach for a walk – can you see the goats on the cliff – they are using them to control the greenery!

It was lovely and quiet – it won’t be this time next week with a bank holiday and half term upon us.
Wednesday 22nd May
My preschool day and the kids are very excited about the live caterpillar’s we are currently looking after. We are hoping they don’t get to the butterfly stage until after half term, but that isn’t looking likely!

Pops has been teaching Lilah the spinning swing trick – now it’s all she wants to do when we get home – how can I resist that smile!!

Thursday 23rd May
Today’s exam was English Language, which apparently went very well.
The Tesco where I work is in a residential area, so we have gorgeous trees and flowers around our store. I couldn’t resist a photo of this foxglove.

Friday 24th May
No exams for Isaac today, but he still had to attend school.
Bank holiday weekend kicked off with a spate of shoplifters in store, which I find incredibly frustrating. We managed to get some of the items back, but not all and a couple objected to being caught and I got threatened with a bottle of wine. I love my job, apart from that bit, although I appear to be quite adept at spotting them these days.
I was sent some cleaning products to review……………I think my husband must have set this up as housework is my least favourite chore LOL.

Saturday 25th May
A very busy day at work, with a local festival and the FA Cup final to deal with. Thankfully the day goes quickly when it’s busy.
My husband was off with the kids for the first day of half term, so took the boys for a much needed haircut.

How was your week?
Lovely sunny photos by the river and at the sea front. I’m missing getting to the seaside much anymore. Hopefully over the summer on our holiday. Glad the exams seem to be going ok. Years ago I stopped a shoplifter in a Tesco. He was just stuffing things from his basket into a rucksack, but right by the back storage door which seemed a bit stupid. I told him he needed to put them back or pay for them. And he shuffled off to the tills with me wandering behind him.
It sounds like Isaac is doing great with his exams.
The river looks a beautiful place for a walk.
What a great idea to use the goats to control the greenery. I think I need one for my back garden. lol
Apparently the English Language exam was better than last years, my youngest had to resit it and she found it OK. x
Glad to hear the exams are going well. You live in such a pretty part of the world, the footbridge over the river is stunning. Sorry to hear about the incident at work, hope you’re ok and got support from your colleagues and management over being threatened.
Glad Isaac has been coping ok with the exams. That looks like a lovely walk along the river. Sorry to hear that the bank holiday weekend started with a spate of shoplifters in store and that you got threatened. Hope you’re okay. #project365