5 Tips for Going to a Football Game with Kids

Going to a football game with kids can feel overwhelming yet rewarding. The excitement, the noise and the crowd can be too much for children. Managing it all requires skillful planning. Explore these five top tips to make your family football outing enjoyable and hassle-free. We shed light on essential points including prepping your kids, maintaining their interest during the match and how to tactfully pack essentials.

Goal Chelsea

Preparation Before the Game

A smooth football outing begins long before you set foot in the stadium. When attending with kids, adequate preparation is crucial to ensure the experience is memorable for the right reasons.

  • Educate Them. Introduce basic football rules and objectives to your children. Highlights or engaging animated videos could stimulate their curiosity, leading them to anticipate the game.
  • Choose Suitable Seats. Opt for family-friendly sections close to amenities like restrooms and food stalls. Some stadiums even offer dedicated family zones designed keeping children in mind.
  • Dress Appropriately. Check the weather forecast and dress your kids accordingly. Comfortable footwear is essential. Don’t forget team jerseys or colours to make them feel part of the experience.
  • Pack Snacks. While stadiums offer a range of foods, familiar snacks can comfort kids. Opt for non-messy snacks that can be easily stored and shared.

The secret lies in anticipation. The right expectations can lay the groundwork for a successful outing even before the match begins. Whether it’s a USWNT’s 2023 World Cup and you’re curious about who will win Women’s World Cup or the thrill of a local match, paving the way for a positive experience is what matters. 

Women's FA Cup Trophy

Pack Smart for the Stadium

Heading to a football game requires more than just grabbing tickets. A smart packing strategy is indispensable for a stress-free experience when attending with kids. Here’s how to equip yourself efficiently:

  • Compact Essentials Bag. Rather than lugging around a bulky bag, opt for a compact backpack. Ensure it has multiple compartments to segregate items and facilitate easy access.
  • Child-Friendly Ear Protection. Football games can get loud. Protect your children’s sensitive ears with noise-cancelling earmuffs or earplugs designed for kids.
  • Weather Gear: Depending on the forecast, pack sun hats and sunscreen for sunny days or waterproof ponchos for unexpected drizzles.
  • Entertainment Kit. Keep your child entertained during lulls with a small kit. Include items like colouring books, mini-footballs or card games that can be easily played in their seat.
  • Wet Wipes and hand Sanitizer.  Kids are naturally curious and might touch various surfaces. Having wet wipes and hand sanitizers ensures they remain clean, especially before snack time.
  • Water Bottles: Stay hydrated. Collapsible water bottles are great as they save space once consumed. Remember, some stadiums might restrict outside beverages, so be prepared to empty and refill them inside.

Crafting the perfect stadium pack requires foresight. By anticipating your child’s needs and the demands of the event, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle any challenge the day might present.

Wembley Ice Cream

Keeping Kids Engaged During the Game

Begin by narrating the game in simple terms they can grasp. Instead of delving into intricate tactics, highlight moments of excitement, like a goal attempt or a great save. Draw their attention to the mascot’s antics or the cheering crowd, pointing out the fun elements surrounding the sport.

Another viable strategy entails the use of mini-challenges or games. For instance, encourage guesswork about the next scoring team or identification of specific audience colours. This method promotes attentiveness and imparts a feeling of involvement.

The goal is to blend the thrill of the match with other engaging elements, crafting a holistic experience that captivates their young minds from kickoff to the final whistle.

Eliza Wembley

Post-Game Activities

The final whistle doesn’t mean the excitement has to end. Post-game activities can be an ideal way to wind down and further enrich the football outing experience for kids.

One of the most memorable activities is waiting for player autographs or photographs near the team exits. It’s a rare opportunity for kids to see their footballing heroes up close, turning the day into a truly unforgettable experience.

A family-friendly zone often surrounds modern stadiums. These places offer play areas or interactive installations that aim to engage children and celebrate the sport in a participatory manner.

Women's FA Cup Fan Zone

The buzz of the stadium can ignite a flurry of emotions. To allow for decompression, consider taking strolls either within the vicinity of the venue or in a park nearby as the day ebbs away. These outings provide an opportunity to digest what transpired during matches, facilitate easy exchange of views on the game and ease transition from electrifying fervour back to tranquil normality. It’s healthy for children specifically.


Taking kids to a football match provides an exceptional combination of excitement and connection. Extra care is necessary during planning, but the benefits like shared joy, unforgettable memories and increased affection for football outweigh the efforts put in. Families can create a lasting memory from an ordinary match day by focusing on safety, maintaining enthusiasm and concluding with post-match activities that all will remember fondly.

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