Heading off to university is a huge life change that effects both students and their parents.
One of the biggest changes is the move away from home comforts, learning to fend for yourself, how to manage your money and of course, how to make new friends.
Whilst Kian was doing his A-Levels, we did basic life skill training with him, which included cooking, cleaning, learning to use the washing machine and tumble drier and money management, which put him in a good place for starting university.
There are still things to learn, even now, and we were invited to join the BBC TV Licensing Family Quiz and complete this fun quiz with Kian, who is going into his fourth year at university. He has a good understanding of everything he needs to get on his uni checklist, although there is always something that seems to get forgotten………it was his electric toothbrush this time!!

Round One
For the first set of questions, I had to guess Kian’s answer to ten questions:
- How often should you change your bed sheets / towel? – Kian – every week, but realistically every couple of weeks
A: Once a week is the recommended
2. How much a load of washing costs in a laundrette on average? Kian – on campus they charge £2.20 for a wash and £1.20 for the dryers.
A: About £4 for a standard load
3. How do you find out when bin day is? – Kian – see when the neighbours put them out
A: Look on your local council website
4. Do you need a TV licence in student halls? Kian – Yes!
A: In halls of residence, you need to be covered by a TV Licence if you plan on watching live TV and BBC iPlayer in your room. But the biggest benefit for students who buy a licence for the year is that when they go home at the end of the academic year, they can apply for a refund for the unused time! This ensures students only pay for the months that they live away from a family home, provided it is already covered by a TV Licence.
5. On which shelf in the fridge is meat typically stored? Kian – in the meat drawer
A: The bottom shelf to prevent contamination
6. How much is your first year of uni worth to your final grade? Kian – I had to get at least 40%
A: It doesn’t count but you have to pass by 40%
(This is generally true however, please confirm this is accurate for your own child)
7. How long should you boil an egg for a runny yolk? Kian – 5 minutes
A: 4-5mins
8. Do you need a TV licence to watch recorded TV? Kian – Yes – You need to be covered by a TV Licence to watch or record programmes as they’re being shown on TV or streamed live on an online TV service. And that’s not just the BBC; it’s all channels on any platform and on any device. You also need to be covered to watch BBC iPlayer.
A: Yes, showing on or recorded from live TV requires a licence
9. When should you start looking for your next year’s accommodation? Kian – November. I left it too late going into my second year, so didn’t get to live where I wanted or with with my friends
A: As early as November – January

Round Two
For round two, I had to guess Kian’s answers to the following questions.
- What item from home are you most likely to take with you? Mum – The George Foreman Grill
A: Yep, the George Foreman Grill
2. How many times a week will you call home? Mum – Once a month
A: I work funny hours so when I remember. I see a message come up on my watch, read it and then forget to reply
3. How many of your lectures will you attend? Mum – All of them
A: I attend all my lectures
4. How long do you spend watching TV shows in a week (in hours)? Mum – 4
A: I have been working freshers week and haven’t watch any TV for a while. I will watch Andor when it comes out
How would you navigate cleaning halls with housemates? Mum – Cleaning rota
A: We have a cleaning rota
How much will you budget for food each month? Mum – £150
A: I spend about £25 a week, but work in a bar which serves food, so sometimes eat there for free
What is the first meal you cook at university going to be? Mum – Cheese and Ham toastie
A: Kian – Stir Fry
What clubs/ societies will you/ did you join in freshers week? – Mum – Paintball Club
A: Paintball
What is your best money saving tip? Mum – Eat at work, shop at Aldi, Lidl and Home Bargains
A: The whole house cooks and eats the same meals together, which helps save on food costs.
What is your best stress busting tip? Mum – Keep on top of your uni work and don’t leave it to the last minute
A: Getting lots of exercise, I enjoy playing paintball and even just the walk to university from my house
If you had a 9am lecture, what time would you go to sleep the night before? 11pm
A: Midnight
So, as you can see, we didn’t do too badly. The George Foreman grill we bought as a present when he first moved into his halls and it carried him through his first year at university. All his room mates said his cheese and ham toasties were legendary!
‘This post is a collaboration with BBC TVL, but all thoughts and experiences are my own’