Spring is almost upon us, with summer hopefully hard on its heels, and you might be planning a city break or staycation at one of the UK’s many beauty spots. You may be planning to travel from Dorset to London or even towards west of London such as Buckinghamshire. In all the excitement of getting ready for some downtime, don’t neglect your regular car maintenance routines, and do pay a little extra attention to your tyres.
The following five tyre fitting tips – offered by professional tyre fitters – will help ensure that you have a safe and smooth ride to and from your holiday destination.
A Good Fit
Just as ill-fitting clothes can feel uncomfortable and chafe over time, so too do ill-fitting tyres. But your car has no real way of letting you know that the tyres aren’t correctly mounted – and it will be the signs of damage and excessive wear and tear that do end up alerting you to the problem.
Tyre Alignment
If you have ever changed a tyre while in a hurry, at the side of a busy road, you might feel that you are perfectly well able to fit and change your own tyres. But while your emergency tyre change might work well until you can get your car to a mechanic to re-align everything, mounting the four tyres by yourself, without the aid of modern alignment technology, can put your vehicle at risk of excess wear and tear and even steering issues.
How to Fit a Tyre?
Anyone of a certain age (around forty-five and up) can probably remember their dads and uncles sweating and cursing as they use lever spoons and vast amounts of brute strength to stretch the unforgiving rubber tyre over the equally unyielding wheel rims. It was about thirty years or so ago that tyre fitting machinery was invented to take a lot of the effort out of the task, and today, every mechanic can effortlessly introduce your new tyre to your old wheel, should they need to. Tyre fitting by professionals is not only quick and cheap, it is far more reliable than trying to do it yourself. You can also get your tyres professionally fitted when they need replacing: Broadway Autocentres supplies tyres, and offers tyre fitting in Buckinghamshire. They offer reliable tyre fitting even when Buckinghamshire has become busier in recent years as people – and their cars – flood to the area.

A Good Balance
Another factor that a good tyre fitter will take care of is ensuring that the weight of your vehicle is equally spread over all four wheels – something which encourages reduced and even wear and tear, boosting the longevity of your car. As well as being great for your car, it also ensures a smoother and more comfortable ride for you and the whole family – a factor that becomes ever more important, the longer you spend in the car!
Tyre Fitter vs DIY Job?
When it comes to tyre fitting, whether you are replacing the rubber onto the rim, or fitting a whole new tyre, you should investigate all the pros and cons before you even think about doing the job yourself. And unless you are a trained mechanic with access to highly specialised equipment, you are almost certainly better off paying a professional tyre fitter to do the job for you before your holiday: it will be quicker, cost less than you think and will ensure you get on the road with absolute peace of mind, knowing that your tyres are well-fitted and good to go for hundreds of miles.