If you want your child to make the most out of their education then you need to make sure that they are going to the right school. If you don’t choose the right school for them then this will make it harder for them to settle in and you may find that this goes on to impact their grades. If you need help when making your decision then this is the guide for you.
Do your Homework
It can be very difficult for you to get all of the key statistics you need, but if you go online you should be able to get a good idea of the school’s rating and their general pass rate in terms of exams. If you can put in the work to find what extra-curricular activities are available then this can help you to form a bigger picture of how the school operate. Find out if the school have an NTP tutor as well, as this will help you a lot when it comes to the ultimate decision.
Understand the School’s Language
The way that a school sells itself can be a top indicator as to whether or not it is the right option for you and your child. Click on the school’s website and look at the images and the words that they use to describe the experience. One sentence can say so much. Find out which one stands out to you and why, so you can make sure that you are choosing a school that reflects the learning experience you want for your child.

Transportation and the Bus
When you find a school that you believe ticks all the boxes, it is then a good idea for you to check the local transportation lines. You need to find out if you can catch the bus from your home and you also need to look into parking if you intend to drive. If parking is going to be difficult then it could be worth finding out if there are other parents who can share the run with you. Little things like this can make all the difference to your schedule.
Trust your Gut
You know your child more than anyone, so make sure that you trust your gut and that you do everything you can to talk to other parents. If you have a bad gut feeling about the school but all of the online reports say that it is fantastic then this is no reason for you to sign your child up. Take your time and make sure that you are happy on a personal level and take into account the needs of your child too. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to make sure that they are happy and that you are content with the choice you have made. Remember, only you know whether or not the school is a good fit, and you should not be pressured into choosing a school based on the opinion of others.