It’s back-to-school time for your kids now that summer is officially over. It might seem like so much to do with so little time, from buying new clothes and supplies to mentally preparing to go back to routine life. Statistics show that parents spend about £191 per child on back-to-school essentials. But as you and your child prepare for the start of an exciting year ahead, you must remember these green and sustainable back-to-school tips that will keep the planet clean and healthy. Not only will these tips help conserve the environment, but they will also help you spend less.
- Get thrifty with school clothes
You probably know how your child quickly outgrows or loses interest in their clothes. So, buying new clothes at the start of every new year can be a waste of money, especially if they are only going to be wearing those clothes for a few months. Also, it might seem cheaper to shop at fast fashion retailers. Still, those are notorious for paying low wages and major contributors to environmental pollution and degradation due to the harmful synthetic materials and dyes used to manufacture such clothes. Thrift shopping is an excellent and creative way to switch up your child’s wardrobe. It also encourages reuse and reduces the likelihood of unwanted clothes ending up in choked-up landfills.
If you aren’t comfortable with your child wearing used clothes from a stranger, you can also arrange for clothing swap meets with friends or family members. Whatever option you choose, it is a great way to save money. If you or your child have an eye for fashion design, you can use this as an opportunity to bring your designs to life. Or you can alter clothes from their older siblings to fit them properly, so keep this in mind.

- Check your child’s school supply inventory
It would help to look closely at your child’s school supplies before dashing out to purchase any more. Are there any extra pencils or unused notebooks? Is their backpack still functional with little to no damage? You should ask these questions before you go shopping. By checking your inventory, you can reduce your spending and are less likely to buy on impulse. You will know exactly what you need to buy and stick to your list better.
However, don’t wait until the last minute to do an inventory check. It would be better to do it throughout the school year, so you don’t always have to make purchases whenever your child loses something. It just so happens that you might find a replacement in your inventory. Also, if you have to purchase school supplies, ensure that you buy eco-friendly ones made from recycled materials.
- Purchase used textbooks
Used textbooks in good condition are usually less expensive to purchase than brand-new ones, and you can find them in physical and online bookstores. Alternatively, you can consider renting textbooks to reduce printing, which can eventually save millions of trees worldwide. If you have older children, you can also save their textbooks and pass them down to your younger ones. Of course, in some cases, you would have to purchase new ones, especially if there are newer editions.
Fortunately, most modern textbooks also come in e-book format, so you can still reduce paper usage. Learning and teaching your child to reduce their paper consumption can play a huge role in conserving trees, water, and energy. So, now is the perfect time to use old textbooks or go completely digital.
- Choose eco-friendly supplies
Many school supplies are made with harmful substances and materials. One of the common substances is vinyl, which is still used for many items, including binders, backpacks, and lunch boxes. Constant exposure to this material can expose you and your child to serious health conditions like diabetes and heart problems. Instead, choose supplies that are made with organic raw materials.
For example, choosing a backpack made with canvas or other items with vinyl-free labels would be better. It would be best if you also were wary of other supplies like crayons, some of which carry asbestos. Fortunately, several eco-friendly stores carry healthier, safer, and more sustainable versions of these school supplies. Plus, they last longer and give you value for your money.

- Give your child packed lunches
You might be surprised to find out how much goes to school waste. But when you choose to pack your child’s lunch in reusable lunchboxes and other cutlery, you will play a role in reducing the paper bags and packaging your child produces daily. Plus, they would be much healthier. It might seem impossible, especially if you or your spouse have busy schedules with little time to prepare school lunches. But making lunch for your child with wholesome and natural ingredients doesn’t need to be time-consuming or difficult.
One way you can help is to get your kids involved in creating menus. That way, even the pickiest eater of the bunch will appreciate the food they helped prepare, so keep this in mind. The great news is that there are tons of easy and quick recipes and snack ideas that you can pack into your child’s lunchbox, so feel free to explore these.

- Find green ways of commuting to school
Whenever you have the time and live close to your child’s school, make it a point to walk with them to school instead of driving them. This will help you get some fresh outdoor air and exercise before the day starts. If you are older, you can get them bicycles or scooters, which they can ride to and from school. It would be best if you taught them the basics of staying safe while on the road and following all traffic rules. Ensure they are equipped with the right gear to protect them from getting hurt.
If you live a considerable distance away from school, which makes walking or cycling too tiring, you can partner with other parents who have carpool schedules. You can send many kids at once instead of having many vehicles around, so keep this in mind.

- Participate in eco-friendly school activities
Many schools are focused on sustainability and encouraging children to adopt more eco-friendly ways of living. It’s a great way to help them understand how important it is to care for the environment. There are several activities that schools are launching to encourage sustainable living, including starting school farms. The best thing about these activities is that you can also get involved as a parent. Your child looks up to you, so when they see you putting in that time and effort in conserving the environment, they will be more open to doing so.
You can contribute by chaperoning sustainability events, giving talks to other students on sustainability and eco-living, and sharing your child’s school’s efforts in protecting the environment. You can also give back to the school through donations or by helping them create a professional school website where others can see their efforts in environmental conservation.
- Don’t idle around in your car when picking up or dropping off
Many schools deal with smog regularly because of all the cars and buses from students, parents, and teaching staff. Therefore, you shouldn’t idle in your car when picking them up or dropping them off, as that can contribute to smog buildup. Smog can cause serious respiratory diseases like asthma and also induce allergies. What you can do while waiting is to turn off your car until you are ready to move again. Plus, keeping your car running for no particular reason for more than 30 seconds can also cause you to waste fuel, so keep this in mind.
- Talk to your child about sustainable living
You might understand the concept of sustainable living, and naturally, you want your kids to adopt your way of life. But for them to fully commit to keeping the earth clean, you are responsible for letting them understand why it is important to do so. Talk to them about harmful substances and their better alternatives. Show them how much damage wasteful living has caused and encourage them to come to you when they don’t understand anything concerning sustainability.
Ensure that you have these thoughtful conversations, and they will willingly help you make the world a better place. To make things even more exciting, you can encourage them to record every eco-friendly act they do in school and at home. Then at the end of the school year, go over their accomplishments and set new goals, so feel free to consider this.
While you must inculcate the habit of sustainability in your child, you must equally allow them to develop their habits. You can be an example to follow and let them understand the reasons behind your sustainability efforts, so keep this in mind. Once they understand the concept, they will know the right things to do to protect the environment and even teach you a thing or two! And these tips can help you achieve the desired results.