Travelling with your pets can be a fun and exciting experience, but it can also be stressful if you’re unprepared. Pets can get anxious and stressed out when they’re in new environments, so it’s essential to take steps to keep them calm. This blog post will discuss some tips for keeping your pets stress-free when travelling.
1) Get their vaccinations up to date:
This is important for both your pet’s health and safety. Make sure you get their vaccinations at least two weeks before your trip. If you’re travelling by plane, check with the airline to see what their requirements are. For example, some airlines require that your pet has a specific type of vaccination.
Getting your pet vaccinated will help reduce their stress levels and keep them healthy while travelling.
2) Get them used to their carrier:
If your pet is not used to being in a carrier, they may get anxious when you put them in one. To avoid this:
- Get your pet accustomed to their carrier before the trip.
- Put their food and water in the carrier and let them explore it.
- Let them sleep in it if possible.
The more comfortable they are with their carrier, the less stressed they will be when travelling. Pets can sense our stress levels, so try to stay calm yourself. If you’re feeling stressed about travelling with your pet, they will pick up on that and become stressed themselves. So take some deep breaths and relax- everything will be okay!

3) Get natural calming remedies:
There are many natural calming remedies that you can give to your pet to help them relax. These include Bach flowers, homoeopathic remedies, essential oils, or cbd oils. You can also purchase over-the-counter calming products for pets. The CBDistillery store’s pet tinctures are a great option, as they’re made with all-natural ingredients and are THC-free.
Give your pet the remedy a few days before travelling so that it has time to work. If you’re using essential oils, you can put a few drops on their carrier or on a bandana that they can wear.
4) Make sure they have their ID:
Make sure your pet is properly identified before travelling. This includes a collar with ID tags and, if possible, a microchip. If you’re travelling out of the country, you’ll also need to get an international health certificate from your veterinarian. This will help ensure that your pet can be returned to you if they get lost while travelling.
5) Make it as comfortable as possible:
Make sure your pet has a comfortable place to rest on the day of travel. This may be their carrier or a unique bed you bring. If they’re going to be in their carrier for a long time, put some soft bedding in it and make sure there’s enough space for them to move around.
Travel can be stressful for pets, but following these tips can help reduce their stress levels and make it a more enjoyable experience for everyone involved.