As much as you adore your family, let’s be honest, they can make your home stink!
Now, you’re not going to point fingers at anyone, but a combination of kids running around, overflowing bins, pets – and who knows what else – can leave your lovely home with a foul scent in the air. Sometimes, you don’t smell anything and think that your house smells fine. But, you walk into a different room and feel pretty embarrassed.
What can you do to make your home smell lovely 24/7? Here are a few simple tips to make a huge difference:
Open the windows
Yes, even during the winter months!
Keeping your windows open will help to air out your home. This allows any nasty odours to leave the property, bringing in a wave of fresh air at the same time. If you leave your windows open, then go and do something for an hour or so, you’ll return to a home that smells so fresh and lovely.

Take out the bins
Always monitor the bin situation at home. If you’re not careful, some bins can start getting too full. As a result, the lids don’t close, so you end up getting smells from the bin coming into your rooms. Always empty the bins when they become too full and take them outside. Give the bin containers a nice clean to further remove any lingering scents, and your house should smell a lot nicer.
Light some candles
Right, you can choose many different methods of making your home smell nice, but candles are just the best. For one, they smell extremely nice and can burn for hours a day, meaning you get a prolonged smell. With air fresheners, they smell nice when you spray them and then the smell goes within ten minutes. Secondly, you can get some lovely luxury designer candles that make your home look good as well as smell good. Finally, candles are less triggering for people with airborne allergies. I know people that suffer when air fresheners and those plug-in things are used because the perfumey scent irritates their nose. By all means, if you prefer the other methods, go for them. The most important point is that you have some nice smelling things in your home.

Don’t forget to wash things
Sometimes, the bad smells in your house can come from things that haven’t been cleaned for a long time. Specifically, bed sheets, towels, bath mats, etc. To be honest, you can also throw rugs and carpets in there as well. Clean these things when they start to smell and your whole house will smell much better. Trust me, this can get rid of the horrible damp smell in your bathroom or the old sweaty smell in the bedroom.
If you want your house to look lovely, you need to keep up with regular maintenance – like cleaning and decluttering. So, if you want your house to smell lovely, you need to keep up with regular maintenance as well! Follow the steps above, but keep doing them all the time to ensure no nasty smells linger.