If your home is crammed to the point where you’re thinking about moving, wait before making a decision. Ask any interior designer, and they’ll tell you that smart storage, better use of your space, and a good declutter can be enough to make a small home feel larger again. Try some of these ideas to increase your living space without having to move house.
Make Your Rooms Multifunctional
It seems obvious to have separate rooms for everything, but this isn’t ideal for small homes. Try combining the functions of two rooms into one, where you can to give you some extra space, even if it’s only reclaiming a box room. For example, you can integrate a home office with a spare bedroom.
Ramp Up Your Storage
Look for dead space around your home that could be converted easily into some useful shelving or cupboards. You will be shocked at how many locations might be useable for this. A great option is under the stairs. Build some inset shelves directly into your walls too, as they won’t jut out, and bring the walls in closer.

Borrow Ideas From Smaller Homes
Instead of trying to come up with your own ideas to make your home feel a little bigger, you can research how people get the most out of tiny homes or studio apartments. You can get inspiration for things like mezzanine levels, multifunctional furniture, and some of the best hidden storage ideas from these smaller homes.
Repurpose Wasted Areas
All of the landings and corridors in your home could be storage options just waiting to be used, but you might not have thought of it. Build bespoke cabinets into your wall cavities to boost your storage space and make your home feel a lot more spacious and free of clutter.
Make More Of Your Attic
If you have an attic that you’re not using, consider a loft conversion. This will cost you some money, but when you compare the cost and the results against the hassle of moving house, it could be a favourable option which would give you a lot of extra space, which can be used for whatever you need.

Get More Storage In Your Garden
Don’t forget the importance of your garden when it comes to freeing up more interior space in your house. Sheds, summerhouses, or bike storage options are all ways to make your home a lot less cluttered, especially if you don’t currently do much with your garden other than sit in it. Don’t overlook your outside space when you’re looking for more storage options.
Accommodate Guests In The Living Room
Instead of having your spare room ready for potential guests all the time, you could use it for something more practical that you need all the time, like a home office or a playroom for the kids, and you could put a sofa bed into the living room instead. Sofa beds have come a long way, so you can have a great sofa that turns into a comfortable bed when you need it, and have both options look stylish.
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