Emma’s Diary packs have been around for around 30 years, giving mums-to-be free goodies for themselves and their babies.
I remember excitedly picking up my first pack many years ago and devouring the diary and all the information it contained. Fast forward a few years, with the explosion of the internet and you have a wealth of knowledge and support for preparing your body for conception, pregnancy, baby and beyond at your finger tips.
Of course, you still have the fantastic goody bags to collect from Argos and Boots.
To get exclusive access to their FREE Emma’s Diary mother and baby gift packs packed full of big brand products and free samples, handpicked for you to try during your pregnancy and for when your little one arrives, you need to register with Emma’s Diary via their website or app (available on Google Play and App Store)
There are three to collect: Mum-to-Be Gift Pack; Bump-to-Baby Gift Pack; New Family Gift Pack, plus the Labour information pack, available from your midwife.
What’s inside Emma’s Diary Mother and Baby Gift Packs?
Mum 2 Be Gift Pack

Inside the Mum-to-Be gift pack was a pack of Mamia baby wipes, sanitary towels and panty liners sample , Pregnacare vitamins, sudocrem and Palmers cocoa butter, plus some advice leaflets.
Bump 2 Baby Gift Pack

Their Bump-to-Baby free gift pack has a FULL PACK of Pampers® New Baby size 1 nappies, plus a money-off coupon inside, as well as Lansinoh breast milk storage bags, Bepanthem nappy cream, water wipes, Mama Mio rub butter and Weleda baby lotion, plus information leaflets and offers.

New Family Gift Pack

The New Family Gift Pack contains a pack of Mamia Baby Wipes, 2 x Aquafresh toothpaste samples, Bepanthen Nanpy Cream and Palmers massage lotion, plus information leaflets and offers.

The packs are a great way of finding new products and brands to try.

Please note, the content of the packs may wary. Check Emma’s Diary website for the latest updates on this.
I remember being given bags when I went into hospital. They come in handy as there are always loads of useful items included.
I loved getting these free packs. I especially loved the mini sudocream pot which was perfect size for the changing bag 🙂