The kids are in full wind-down mode for half term, although it only feels like 5 minutes since their last one.
Kian has officially finished this year’s university, despite only having one week on campus. I really hope they refund some of the tuition fees as he only actually spent 3 months learning.
Isaac had his parents evening and they are really happy with his progress. He has exams after half term to put them in sets them for next year, so he has some revising to do in the holidays.
Here is our week:
Monday 24th May
We live really close to the kids school and have always had a lollipop lady to see us across the road, but the council have decided to install a pelican crossing instead.
I don’t think they thought it through properly as they decided to turn up, bang on school run time and cause traffic chaos as they offloaded their heavy machinery. Half an hour later would have been better!!

After the chaos of the school run, I picked Lilah up and we met up with my fellow Community Champions for breakfast, where we got to present cheques to some local charities.
Tuesday 25th May
Another day with Lilah and this time we headed off to see my Dad in his new flat.

He lives just a short walk from the beach, so we headed out to explore. The beach where he lives is shingle, so some areas were tricky with the buggy, but it was a beautiful walk with views over towards the Needles and over to Christchurch harbour.

It is nice to have him much closer now too, although we will miss our visits to Devon.
Wednesday 26th May
When Sebby was getting ready for school we discovered that his school jumper was filthy, so I went to find him another one. It was Isaac’s old one and age 11-12, so was huge…….Isaac decided to tie the arms up!

It was another morning of road chaos on the school run, as they delivered more machinery – must be a man that organised it (sorry to any male readers).
Thursday 27th May
Our new fish tank is thriving and my husband bought some female guppies a couple of weeks ago.
One must have been pregnant as we have babies already, affectionately named Barry, Carrie, Gary, Harry and Larry.

Friday 28th May
Typically the weather is now gorgeous as I am working. It is Bank Holiday weekend so we were really busy at work, with people visiting Bournemouth.
In more fish tank news – my husband ordered a new ornament to decorate the tank. I wanted a Tardis, but Star Wars won the day.

Saturday 29th May
Again, a busy day at work with people coming in to get their beach and barbecue provisions. I was home in time for the football, to find that my husband had decorated again.

Thankfully, the decorations brought is more luck this time, although I must apologise to the neighbours for the roar that came from our house when we scored.

It is safe to say that we had a very happy house that night!!

Sunday 30th May
With my husband and I both working, the kids went to Abbey’s house for the day and enjoyed a trip to the New Forest for a picnic and some minnow fishing.

Eliza teased me with a picture of her biscoff ice cream!!
How was your week?
That is a bit silly to try and offloaded machinery when it was school run time.
How lovely that your dad is living nearer to you.
The fish tank is looking great. I would have voted for the Tardis ornament too.
There is no mistaking which football team you support. hehehe x
Ooh that ice cream looks good. You can’t say the football decorations were subtle!
That’s a lot of decorations!! It must have been amazing to see them score. π
The fish tank looks lovely. The guppy are very keen breeders, so you might have babies again.
The beach looks spectacular!
That sounds like normal roadwork organisation – always at the busiest time to cause the most disruption. Thought of you guys when I heard that Chelsea had won. Bet it’s been mad down your way with all the holiday visitors #365
Installing the pelican crossing during school run time is bonkers β councils really donβt seem to think these kind of things through do they? Lovely to have your Dad living closer and the views across the beach are beautiful. The photo of Sebby in the oversized jumper made me smile. #project365
We’ve kept all the clothes for the younger ones to wear but Zach’s trousers have holes in the knees so may need to buy more! Not a football fan but love the passion and excitement #project365
Honestly I do sometimes wonder what people are thinking they must have known they needed a pelican crossing because it was a school! Lovely that you have baby fish already and the beach trip looks very pretty. Glad you got a great result on the football.
The biscoff ice cream looks soo good!
I really do hope they refund some of the tuition fees, seems so unfair to take the full amount.
Loving the fish tank ornaments.
Love chaos on the school run like that! I’m sure they do it on purpose. Love the Star Wars addition to the fish take. It must be nice having your dad near you. We followed my mum closer to the coast lol #365