Tips for Moving Home This Summer

Hopefully, this summer will be a bit more free and easy than the last one, which is good news if you happen to be moving home. You want a home move that’s as easy and fast as possible, so it pays to start planning and organising early, even as early as spring. The more groundwork you do, the simpler it will be to move your home lock and stock to a smart new place.

Plan your move early 

The longer you leave it, the more work you have to do; there is also more chance of you getting the details wrong or forgetting to deal with important fundamentals like getting conveyancing quotes. As soon as you know you’re moving, get the wheels moving too.

Whether you’re moving to one of these los angeles apartments or a bungalow more local to you, it really helps to plan things early. The more organised you can be with your removals and administration, the smoother the whole move will be, which reduces your stress.  

Always hire a removal service 

Opinion is divided in whether you really need a removal service. Advocates swear by it, but opponents suggest it costs money for something you can do yourself – that’s if you want a massive stress overload. That’s right, moving your furniture isn’t as easy as it sounds. 

When you hire a removals service, it gives you more time to plan the move from the inside. You can arrange all your items into manageable categories and itemised them. This gives you confidence in the move and makes the whole process faster. 

Start your packing early 

It might seem like a chore, but it doesn’t have to be, not if you whack on some headphones and listen to your favourite audiobook while you do it. Packing early means you have everything organised; you reduce your stress levels and make a move happen faster. 

You can do the packing yourself or pay a little extra to the removals company to do it for you. Some people prefer this as it takes the work out of packing, but doing it yourself means you know what’s what and you have a little more control.  

Keep your IKEA bags 

If you’re moving home in the summer, you’ve probably been to IKEA a few times of odds and ends. The bags you get at IKEA are not only perfect for bringing your items home, but they’re also excellent for packing with. 

Keep your IKEA bags and use them for transporting all the items that don’t go with the removals service. These bags are excellent for storing stuff from kitchen cupboards and other random items. 

Label your boxes 

Lots of people get caught up in the moving process. They take care of all the broad bases and forget the little things that could make life so much easier – in this case, it’s putting labels on boxes in the right way. 
If you don’t label your boxes, you won’t know what’s what when it comes to unpacking them. You’ll end up with stuff everywhere, and the unpacking will take longer than the packing. Always label your boxes on the side so they can be easily sent to relevant rooms.

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