The first week with the kids in school for a full week and I have been on holiday from Tesco, so the house has been quiet.
Mother’s Day was lovely, I got some lovely presents and got to enjoy a beach walk with the kids. Callan face-timed me as lives too far away to visit, but hopefully we will see him soon.
Here is our week:
Sunday 14th March
Happy Mother’s Day to me.
The younger kids made me cards and I got flowers, a Sebastian charm for my pandora bracelet, a hamper and a painting and bookmark from Lilah.

As it was my day, I got to choose where we walked, so the beach it was. It was a very windy day and the kids loved watching the kite surfers on Poole harbour as they raced over the water and lifted into the air.

We met up with Abbey, Paul and Lilah who joined us for our walk. I didn’t really think our route through as there was a large stretch of sand and no promenade, so we had to drag the trike through the sand.

We finished off in our favourite park, which has now finally re-opened after being roped off.

The day ended with a yummy roast dinner and I actually managed to get the crackling right on the pork joint.

Monday 15th March
Our first day with Lilah where all the kids were at school, but she wasn’t phased at all and quite happily played with her toys.

Normally the dining room doors are shut so the kids can study in peace, but with them at school we left them open. Lilah kept going to the window and looking at the swing, so we took the hint.

She actually managed a 2 hour nap too – much easier to sleep without other kids in the house!!
Tuesday 16th March
There was much excitement in our house this morning as it was the launch of Chapter 2, series 6 of Fortnite.

Thankfully it was on at 8am, so the kids got to watch it before school.

Spring is definitely in the air and it is so nice to be able to use the garden again.
Wednesday 17th March
Work for me in the morning and then I had the afternoon to myself until the kids finished school, so I headed out for a walk.

I was expecting the sang to be quiet now the kids are back at school, but I have never seen it busier.
Sebby got a visit from the tooth fairy as his front tooth fell out – he has a really gappy smile now.
Thursday 18th March
Normally it would be a work day for me, but I have holiday to use up by the end of March so I was off, so decided to meet up with a friend for a socially distanced walk.

It was lovely having someone other than members of the family to talk to and she loved being introduced to a local walk and seeing all the wildlife.
After the debacle with Isaac’s report last week it was a zoom parents evening in the afternoon. His teacher couldn’t be more gushing over Isaac and his behaviour and work ethic. All the kids have some catching up to do, which is understandable, so after Easter there will be some after school clubs for him to attend, which will hopefully make things easier to juggle with work and all the staggered start and end times.
Friday 19th March
Red Nose Day and Eliza and Sebby were allowed to wear red into school. They both chose red nose t-shirts and used hair chalk in their hair.

After the success of yesterday’s walk, I was joined once again by Tracie and decided to introduce her to another of our local walks.

We regretted the lack of wellies as the ground was still quite muddy in places, but it was lovely nonetheless.

Saturday 20th March
Our GP surgery is on top of the COVID vaccinations and my husband, despite being under 50 had his today.

Another day, another walk and this time with the kids in tow. They were initially not keen, but as soon as we were there, they were in the mud and water!

I did try and get a nice picture, but the kids were not having it!!

How was your week?
Ohh! What a treat to be on holiday from Tesco and having the kids at school.
It sounds like you had a lovely mother’s day. Well done on getting the pork crackling right.
Ahh! We had the excitement on the new season of Fortnite. We watched before school but my youngest said I wasn’t allowed to play until she got home. I stuck to her rule but have made up for it since. hehehe
Lovely photos!
Oh crikey that mud. My wellies wouldn’t cope with all that. Nice to have some time off, we’re the same, all using up holiday. My OH’s had his jab too this week. Hopefully your husband didn’t have any side effects.
Glad you had a break from Tesco, while kids are at school. Lovely Mother’s day gifts! Beautiful beaches, and so empty too! And just look at that mud! I showed it to Eddie and we both decided it must be tricky to walk through it.
Hope your husband is not affected by the jab, mine has been very unwell.
Looks like you had a lovely Mother’s Day. Love the photo of everyone on the swing. Looks like you’ve had some lovely walks. Glad that your husband had his vaccination and hope the side-effects have eased off now. #project365
That’s an impressive amount of mud! Love the reflections on the water and glad you’ve got to walk with a friend. I’m looking forward to doing that too soon. Our surgery seems ahead of the game too, lots of under 50’s friends having their jab this week here. Hope hubby is feeling better now, took me a few days #365
Aww sounds like you had a lovely mothers day!
Loving all the outdoor pics. It is so nice to be able to get out into the garden isn’t it (when it decides not to rain!)
I would have also chosen to go to the beach on Mothers Day given the chance, love the pink hair, Harry refused to let me do anything with his hair for red nose day. Luxury time to yourself, while the kids are at school, looks like you had a great week. Hope there are no side effects for your husband. Think we got away with it here, other than feeling a bit washed out. I am hoping I will be as lucky when I eventually get mine.
It’s so exciting when you hear about others having their Covid vaccine. I hope he was OK with it. I bet it was nice to have a few days off of work. I love the Red Nose Day tops, I wasn’t quick enough to order any for us #365
I miss the beach! Gla the kids settled back in and Lilah was didn’t miss them too much. Looks like quite a restful week. #project365
A lovely haul for Mother’s Day and a good choice of where to go for a walk. Must be strange having a week off and an empty house
All the presents are so lovely! Hope you had a great day.. the local walk trails look so interesting and diverse…Lilah is enjoying her downtime alone I suppose… lovely pic of you guys on the swing…