Review: “Windy” Games guaranteed to get you all laughing this Christmas

The news is not full of joy at the moment, the weather is miserable and all the things we normally look forward to this time of year has been cancelled, so anything that brings a smile to your face has got to be a winner.

We have been sent some “windy” games from John Adams to review and they are a big hit, as all of these games are designed to appeal to kids’ silly sense of humour and their love of farts!

Windy Knickers – the silly spinning, Granny giggling, windy washing game!

Windy Knickers

This game requires some light setting up the first time you play but it doesn’t take too long. Simply add the stickers, 3 x AA batteries and attach the washing line to the base and you are ready to play.


The idea of the game is to help Granny put out her washing. Roll the dice… if it’s a sunny day, hang your washing on the line. Roll a cloud and you must miss a go. Roll a rain cloud and you have to take your washing in. Roll a storm and the washing line spins in the tornado and granny loses her clothes!!

Sebby playing Windy Knickers

The winner is the first to hang out all of their washing on the line, but it’s not so easy when the washing line spins.

Windy Knickers Game

It is an easy game to play and the kids found it hilarious that Granny was hanging on to the washing line as it span.

Windy Knickers is available from all good shops priced at £19.99.

FartBuster – the gross farting reaction game!

Fart Buster

We love reaction games in this house and have a few different designs of Bop It!, but this takes it to a whole new level with different sounds of farts as a sequence to follow.

Fartbuster game

It comes ready to play straight from the box and a different arm will light up for each sound.

Isaac Fart Buster

There are 3 game modes to choose from, by simply holding down the button on its head: Free Fart, Follow the Farts Memory Challenge and Follow the Farts Extreme Memory Challenge.

Fart Buster Eliza

The only issue we had is that we found that the lights are not that bright, so if you are in a very bright room it can be tricky to see which arm lights up.

Fartbuster Eliza

Fart Buster is available from all good toy shops with an RRP of £14.99.

Whoopee Doo – the hoot if you toot family game!

Whoopee Doo

Whoopee Doo is the hoot if you toot family game!

Whoopee Doo

Players take it in turns to sit on the large inflatable whoopee cushion whilst completing a challenge from their chosen card, which could be a tongue twister, a question or a challenge.


The whoopee cushion takes 3 x AAA batteries and requires inflating before the first use.

Sebby Whoopee Doo

Sebby was a bit worried he was going to set it off, but it goes quite some time between “parps”, to give everyone a chance to take a turn.

Whoopee Doo has an RRP of £19.99 and is available from all good toy shops.

Disclaimer: We were sent the “windy” games to review. All thoughts and opinions are our own


14 thoughts on “Review: “Windy” Games guaranteed to get you all laughing this Christmas”

  1. lol these all look like such fun. the windy knickers one looks haha absolutely hilarious and ?i would deffo consider buying x

  2. These games sound perfect for my kids and their sense of humour! They look like a lot of fun and great for the whole family to play.

  3. I love the sound of the granny and her knickers on the line game. I can imagine it’s so much fun when the line spins and all the laundry falls off.

  4. I have just gifted my niece Windy Knickers for her birthday, but we can’t seem to keep granny’s dress on at all (even when still). We removed the band holding it on in transit but there doesn’t seem to be a locking mechanism to keep it together until the wind blows it off! Would you have any ideas?


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