How to effectively manage your blogger invoices and accounts

Running a small business, including a blog, is interesting. You learn a lot and once things start to take off and you realise that you have a success on your hands, it is very fulfilling. When that happens, you usually start to enjoy running it.

But there are some aspects of running a blog or business, which are, quite frankly, a bit of a pain. Maintaining your accounts and invoicing most definitely falls into that category. It is a job nobody looks forward to doing. Fortunately, as you will find out below, there are ways to make things easier for yourself and speed things up considerably.

Use templates to generate your invoices

If you run banner ads, test and review products or offer writing services as a side hustle, you will need to send out invoices. Most businesses will not pay you if they do not receive a full invoice. So, whilst they can sometimes be time-consuming, they are absolutely necessary if you want to receive what is owed to you. You can make things a whole lot easier for yourself by using this handy invoice template. All you need to do is to change a few details to personalise it and be able to use it for your blog or small business. It is even possible to add your logo and other branding elements. This is quite important. You need to come across as professional and trustworthy.

Plus, you know that your invoice email is going to be opened, which means that you have the chance to sell that business owner something new. You can find out more about getting your invoice branding right and making the most of this regular contact point, by clicking here.

Keep track of things as you go

With any task you do not enjoy, there is a tendency to leave it forever and ever. Letting it build up until things are in such a mess that you have no choice but to do it. At which point, catching up takes an age. We’ve all done it. When you leave your accounting tasks to pile up too long, you end up spending much more time than you would have originally hunting down old receipts and invoices before entering them in your accounting software. Doing it as you go saves all of that hassle, and reduces the chances of you forgetting or losing evidence.

Make the most of all that data

Having gone to the trouble of doing your accounts, don’t let all of that effort go to waste. It would be a shame if the only people who benefit from your work is your accountant and the tax office. There is a wealth of useful information buried deep within your accounts. This article will help you to understand, interpret and use some of that data to identify what direction to take your blog or business in the future.

1 thought on “How to effectively manage your blogger invoices and accounts”

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