If you have ever felt frustrated about your appearance, know that you aren’t alone. Many of us do, be that because of the clothes we wear, the tired face that looks back at us from the other side of the mirror, or because of the people that we compare ourselves against.
When we don’t like the way we look, we can sometimes lose confidence. We might run away from social situations, or we might dwell on all of the things that are wrong with us.
Are you relating thus far?
If so, know this. The way you look shouldn’t define you. It doesn’t matter if you’re not ‘perfect.’ Heck, nobody’s perfect anyway.
But because it’s important to feel at peace with yourself and to feel comfortable in your own skin, you should do what you can to feel better about the way you look if you are unhappy.
You can do this in the following ways.
#1: Don’t get wrapped up in the media’s definition of beauty

Through television adverts and modeling magazines, we have been taught that to be beautiful is to be slim, blemish-free, and radiant from head to toe. We are told to use this product and that product to look beautiful, and we are confronted with before and after pictures of women who have done what is needed to ‘look beautiful.’
Now, there is nothing wrong with using beauty products, of course, and there is nothing wrong with using those creams and lotions that will give us super-smooth skin. However, the media can sometimes shame us into feeling that we are ‘less than’ when we don’t conform to the images that they are portraying, and that is just wrong!
So, don’t sweat it if your skin isn’t always clear, if your size isn’t always super-slim, and if you don’t have the flowing locks of the women you see promoting shampoos on the TV. You can do what you can to improve the way you look if you want to but you don’t have to look exactly the same as the models you see on screen or in the magazine pictures. Remember that, and define your own standards of beauty instead of conforming to the messages that the media teaches you.
#2: Change what you can
If you’re unhappy with the way you look, then make whatever changes you realistically can. There are lots of things you can do within all aspects of all your beauty routine, so rather than dwell on what you don’t like about your looks, do something about them.
So, if you get fed up with the way your skin looks when you gaze into the mirror, do what you can to improve your complexion. There are lots of articles around our website that can help you, including this post on skinfood products that are excellent for your skin. And talking of foods, be sure to eat those things that won’t cause your skin to break out in spots. Sugary and greasy foods might be tempting to eat, but they are less than great for your skin complexion. So, eat those foods that are good for your skin, as you will feel better about yourself the next time you look in the mirror.
Let’s talk about body size too. While we don’t believe in body shaming, you might still want to do what is needed if you’re unhappy with your weight. Again, eat the foods that are going to help you keep your weight down, and exercise more often if you’re prone to a lazy lifestyle.
When you eat the right foods and when you commit to a regular work out, your skin will improve, you will be able to fit into those clothes that you have had to push to one side for a while, and you will feel mentally better because of your healthy lifestyle.
#3: Buy clothes you want to wear
When it comes to buying clothes, don’t feel you have to buy everything that is on-trend. And don’t assume you have to follow every word of advice your friend gives you when you’re out shopping together. Instead, focus on those items that you feel comfortable wearing, and that suit your personal tastes. You will feel better about the way you look if you love the design and style of the clothes you are wearing and if they feel good to wear. This is better than wearing clothes that don’t suit your tastes and personality, and that don’t look or feel good on you,
So, remember to stay true to yourself the next time you’re at the mall shopping with your friends, or when you’re browsing the lookbook collections on your favorite online retail sites. Evaluate each item of clothing and only buy if you know that it is something that you will be happy wearing. With a wardrobe fitted with clothes that you genuinely love, you will always have something good to wear the next time you’re feeling a little down on yourself.
#4: Be grateful for the best parts of you

Okay, so there will be some aspects of your face or body that might be less pleasing to you. If you can change them, then fine, do so if that will make you feel better about yourself. But for those things that you can’t change, try not to dwell on them. You will only hurt your feelings of self-worth if you do.
Instead, do two things.
Firstly, try to hide your supposed flaws if you can. Check out those tips on hiding skin imperfections, for example.
Secondly, consider the best parts of you and be grateful for them. Focus on them when you look in the mirror and steer your attention away from the bits you aren’t so happy with. Be thankful for them, and to make these aspects of yourself look even better, highlight them within your beauty routine so other people notice them. Start with these tips on highlighting your best facial features if you want to.
You see, you’re not perfect, and that’s fine. None of us are. But there will be parts of you that are simply fabulous, so show gratitude, and make an effort to remember them, especially when you’re feeling down on yourself.
Thanks for reading!