If you want to save money on your gas or electric bills it is fairly easy to do. Swapping to a lower tariff does not take long. For people who use an oil-fired boiler to heat their homes saving money is a bit more complex. But it can still be done.
Take advantage of special deals
Most domestic oil tanks hold at least 1,000 litres (265 gallons). So, even if you only fill up once a year you can easily save £30, £40, or more, just by buying your oil when it is a few pence cheaper.
Over the years, SuperSaverOil and some other firms have come up with some innovative ways to make it easier for their customers to buy when the price is low. Provided your delivery is not urgent, you can choose to wait and have it delivered when the price has dropped.
Some firms will offer you a discount if you allow them to decide on the date and time they deliver. This enables them to make all of their deliveries for an area on the same day. That saves them time. Heating oil firms that work in that way have lower overheads, so, often, offer their customers a better price.
Maintain your oil-fired boiler properly
Keeping your boiler in good working condition will stop it from burning more oil than you need to. Having your boiler serviced regularly will also reduce the chances of it needing to be repaired, which is rarely cheap. It will also keep your family safer. You can read about the dangers of not having your boiler serviced, here.
Look after your boiler between services
You should also check that your boiler bar setting is correct. Most boilers work best at between 1 and 2 bars. But you should check the manual to see what yours should be set at. It will also tell you how to change the pressure should you need to do so.
Regularly check that there is no water getting through to your boiler. Over time, water can build up inside your oil tank. The water sinks to the bottom, but when the level is high enough it gets sucked up into the pipes that feed your boiler. A properly installed oil heating system will include a glass bulb that is located near the boiler. Some of the oil enters it before it goes into the boiler itself. If you notice water in this glass bulb you need to turn your heating off and have the water removed from the tank before using your heating again.
Consider moving your thermostat
If you still have your thermostat located in your hallway, consider moving it. In many houses, that is the coldest part of the house, which means that your boiler will be on for longer than it needs to be. It is usually best to locate your thermostat in the room you spend the most time in.