Helping Your Child with Exam Stress

Exams are undeniably stressful, no matter how old you are or how well you normally perform. With that in mind, it’s important for parents to spot signs of stress in their youngsters during exam period and try their best to help ease the pressure. Children deal with anxiety in different ways so you should offer a shoulder to cry on and a helping hand if you can. If you’re unsure how you can help, here’s some advice from an independent college in London.

The simplest way to ease the pressure from your child during this stressful time is to remind them that their exam results are not the be-all and end-all; they can always retake if necessary or go down a different route when it comes to higher education. Their health and well-being is far more important than any exam result, so let them know that you are proud of them for trying their best, no matter what the end result.

Let your son or daughter know that they can talk to you about how they’re feeling whenever they need to. Bottling up their emotions will not help with their anxiety; they will need to let off some steam from time to time. With that in mind, be patient with them if they feel like venting and remind them that they should never feel embarrassed about their feelings or ashamed to admit if they’re struggling. They might not want to talk openly in front of the whole family, so make sure you have one to one time to give them a chance to open up.


During exam season, encourage your child to get plenty of exercise, have early nights and eat a healthy, balanced diet. If they don’t engage in healthy lifestyle choices, they will be more likely to get sick which will only heighten the pressure they’re under. If they have a revision timetable, you should ensure they factor in some leisure time so that they can have a break to rest, socialise, exercise or whatever they feel like doing to wind down. Revising little and often will be far more productive than cramming for hours at a time with no break.

Try and radiate positivity during exam period. Negative energy from the people around them will only make your child feel more stressed. Instead, motivate your child with optimism, realistic goals and praise. If you would like more information or advice on how to help your during exam season, don’t hesitate to contact their teachers.

3 thoughts on “Helping Your Child with Exam Stress”

  1. So intriguing to catch wind of the procedure! I realized it took a great deal to be a Les Mills educator however I didn’t understand exactly how included it was, all out regard for every one of those teachers.

  2. Thanks for the recommendation! As a parent, it is very difficult for me to give my child confidence because at one time exams were terrible stress for me. But in the end, everything turned out to be very simple and did not require such nerves.


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