Lumo Star Plush Toys – Review

The kids love it when I go to the BlogOn Conference as I always come home with an EPIC good bag, bursting full of goodies.

This year was no exception and the biggest hit from the contents of the bag was their Lumo Stars.

From Finnish toy company Tactic Games, the Lumo Stars are inspired by Nordic mythology, where animals live in a land, which is in turn filled by blinding light and mystical darkness.

These plush toys are super cute, with big, bright shiny eyes, a squishy, cuddly body covered with lovely soft fur. Both Sebastian and Eliza fell in love.

Lumo Stars

The added bonus of the Lumo Stars, is that they are not just plush toys. There is also the Lumo Stars digital app, where you can be a part of it, too!

Wuff Lumo Star

Simply scan your own Lumo Stars plush and enter the digital world where you can play with your plush, take pictures of it, learn your plush buddy’s birthday, favourite treats and hobbies and much much more!

Lumo Stars

The free app, which can be downloaded from App Store and Android, scans the code, downloading your Lumo Star. Then your child can feed, play with, dress and look after their new pets.

Lumo Star Plush

The plush toy range range includes collectable Mini’s, which have keyring attachments so they can be added to their school bags, Classic and Big cuddly toys (RRP Β£3.99 to Β£12.99) and they are available from all good toy shops including Amazon.

Lumo Stars Velvet

Disclaimer: We were sent some Lumo Stars to review and have since added to our collection. All thoughts and opinions are our own. This post contains affiliate links

14 thoughts on “Lumo Star Plush Toys – Review”

  1. These are so cute, I’m a sucker for anything with big eyes to draw you in. it’s nice that there’s both a digital and physical aspect x


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