We are very quickly heading towards the end of term and are preparing for sports day, various school shows and finding out who our new teachers are going to be in the new year.
2019 is also a milestone year for us as Isaac is leaving primary school and heading off to secondary school in September.
School hasn’t always been easy for Isaac, but this year he has turned a real corner in both his behaviour and his learning, thanks in part to his teachers.
I think the real turning point was their residential at the beginning of the year, where he conquered some of his fears and bonded with his teachers.
We were all so proud of him for all the incredibly hard work he did for his year 6 SATs and I have lost count of the times he has been celebrated for his hard work and behaviour this year.

I think it is important to show your appreciation to teachers at the end of the school year, be it with a simple homemade card with a handwritten personal message or a token gift.
As a preschool teacher, I have some ideas of things that I / we have received that mean the most, but please don’t think that we expect gifts, waving the kids off to their next adventure is more than enough!
Best Teacher Gift Ideas
Something personalised that comes from the class, like a framed “thank you for helping me grow” picture that the children have decorated. These gifts stay on display in the pre-school and make us smile whenever we see them.

People often forget that teaching isn’t a 9-5 job and teachers are often working from home, marking work and planning lessons. Why not treat them to a pamper session at home with some lovely toiletries from the Sanctuary Gift Range so they can relax and enjoy the holidays.

For the teacher that has gone an extra mile, I love these bracelets from Times to Treasure and at £6 they won’t break the bank.

Flowers are always a popular choice, but I always worry that there won’t be enough vases to house them all. I love this idea of gifting herb pots, that will be used in their cooking for months, as well as offering a bit of greenery to the home.

The end of the school year is just 27 days away for us, so now is the time to get organised and start buying your gifts.
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post and was written in a paid partnership with Sanctuary Spa
Love the thank you helping me grow gift idea – that is so lovely!
Sanctuary products are so lovely and I bet the teachers will be pleased with them (well female ones at least). I guess you don’t want to give teachers endless chocolate and something more meaningful so this is a good idea
I absolutely love the bracelet, it would make a perfect gift for his teacher.
He absolutely adores his teacher and she has been wonderful, to be honest there isn’t enough gifts in the world to thank her for all she’s done this year.
Great round up x
These are such lovely ideas and much more inspiring than a box of chocolates! I love the ‘thank you for helping me grow’ bracelets. They are just adorable and I think I will get this for my son’s pre-school key worker.
These are all lovely ideas! The thank you for helping me grow picture is precious!
Fab ideas here. I have been worrying about getting gifts sorted as I am away now til the end of term. I love sanctuary products!