Now you are six

I cannot believe that Sebby has just turned 6!

He is the youngest member of our family and it doesn’t feel like five minutes since he joined us.

Sebby is currently in year one at school and is thriving, as he has a real thirst for knowledge. He is also our fearless one and will try anything, even rollercoasters, at least once.

Sebby Rib Ride

In fact he is often disappointed that he is too small for the more thrilling rides.

Fforest Coaster (1)

He loves playing games on the iPad or Nintendo Switch, with his favourites being Super Smash Bros and Plants vs Zombies.

TV wise, he tends to have a favourite show of the week and will watch the entire series (thanks Netflix) and then move on to something else. This week it is Pokemon, although he was watching Peppa Pig last night!

He is starting to enjoy reading now, rather than finding it a chore and loves the Flip Flap books by Axel Scheffler.

For his 6th birthday he had a party with Mad4Animals and bravely held snakes, cockroaches and even a giant snail.

Mad4Animals Sebby Party

Sebby’s favourite thing in the whole world is his big brother Kian and he is revelling in having him home from university at the moment.

Go Ape

Like Isaac and Eliza, he loves being in the water and his swimming is really coming on well and can now swim a width with no floatation aids. Being the thrillseeker that he is, he loves visiting our local water park, Splashdown and riding all the flumes.

Riding his bike is still work in progress as he still insists on pedalling backwards, but is a speed demon on his scooter!

He is still my chilled out boy, but is fast becoming a real cheeky chappy and a bit of a comedian like his brother.

Happy Birthday Sebby, cannot wait to see what the next year brings.

35 thoughts on “Now you are six”

  1. Happy birthday to your little man! They grow so fast, don’t blink! He’s got good taste inn games, you can’t go wrong with Mario. I’ve been playing it myself for a week now πŸ™‚

  2. Happy Birthday! Awesome pictures. It seems he has been having a lot of fun. Meeting a snake seems like an exciting adventure for a 6 year old.

  3. Happy Birthday, Sebby! I love that he enjoys animals and nature. I’m sure he will have a great party and remember it dearly when he grows up.

  4. Happy Birthday to your sweet boy. πŸ™‚ I’m glad his older brother got to come home from uni for some family time.

  5. Happy birthday not so little man! What is that sled/slide thing that he is riding in one of your early pictures? It looks like an alpine slide of sorts but I’ve never seen one elevated off the ground like that!

  6. A belated happy 6th birthday little man! πŸ™‚ Fab that he is a little adventure seeker! We have been on the forest rollercoaster at Zip World too, it is AMAZING! I could have spent all day on there! Sim x


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