My Day at Britmums 2017!!

This weekend was Britmums 2017 and I headed up to County Hall to experience all the fun.

I love blog conferences for the opportunity to hone my blogging skills as well as meeting great brands and of course catching up with the bloggers I chat to on a daily basis.

County Hall is set on the Southbank by the London Eye and is an enviable location with stunning views of the Thames and over to The Houses of Parliament & Big Ben.


In a change from previous years the sessions were a lot more in-depth and longer and despite my 6+ years of blogging there is always something to be learned. Sadly both sessions I wanted to do were at the same time; SEO and Facebook so I made the decision to go with the one which frustrates me the most.


Alison Battisby was amazing and I literally wrote pages of notes, as well as getting a cuddle with gorgeous baby Rex whilst his Mum, Vic from Verily Victoria Vocalises,Β  made some notes too.

With sessions including getting the brands you want, Pinterest, YouTube, focussed blogging, how to make money etc, as well as brand experiences, there was something to catch the attention of everyone.

Britmums Live

Highlights for me including wine tasting with Visit Spain and trying the most amazing fruit salad with Mauritius UK.


It was also brilliant to catch up with bloggers that have become genuine friends, sharing ideas and tips on how to get the best out of our blogs.


The conference finished with the keynote speeches from some very talented bloggers and although I cried through a couple, they thankfully ended on a high and it was time for the BiBs2017 party on board the City Cruises Millennium Diamond.

City Cruises

We were welcomed onboard with a glass of bubbles at the London Eye and set off on a picturesque journey, heading East, down the Thames.

City Cruises

I was nominated as a finalist for my travel blog, arewenearlythereyet.euΒ but having been a finalist in the #BiB awards before and never winning, was quite relaxed about the evening, even joking with fellow nominees in the same position that we had to practice our losing faces.

The award categories came and went. We clapped and cheered for each blog that was read out and commiserated with each other when we didn’t win, happy in the knowledge that we blog because of the love of it and not the accolades.

But, there was one more award to go – Britmums Choice. This award “highlights a blogger who may not fit neatly into the other categories but ticks all the boxes, breaks boundaries and just overall rocks! It’s an opportunity to highlight someone who embodies our best ideals for blogging and the BritMums community.”

They read out my name!!!

I would love to say I gave an amazing, eloquent speech but I am not entirely sure that any words actually came out of my mouth I was in that much shock.

Big thanks to Tim from Thatcham Dad for putting up with my emotional response and for taking this picture, to Monika from Mumonthebrink for her hugs and to absolutely everyone else who congratulated me.


I spent the rest of the evening catching up with these lovely ladies; Nadine from JuggleMum, Jaime from The Olivers Madhouse and Clare from EmmysMummy who have all been my blogging buddies for years.


Thank you Britmums for an amazing day, I am off to start working on everything I have learned now and yes, I have double checked the award was actually real!!


48 thoughts on “My Day at Britmums 2017!!”

  1. Oh, congratulations on your nominations. I am sure this is such a memorable event for you and also a milestone for your travel blog. Cheers to our blogging life!

  2. Congratulations on your win, it sounds like a really lovely day and you certainly look like you’ve been spoiled with drinks and river cruise

  3. Wow! What a day you had!
    I honestly had never heard of this conference and would love to go to something like this as I know so little about how to improve my blog!
    Congratulations on an amazing award too xx

  4. Congratulations for the award! It looks like it was a great event, especially that you have learn a lot from the seminars as well. I experienced the party on the boat during Traverse and it was so amazing! πŸ™‚

  5. I’m not sure why it’s taken me this long to comment, but anyway …

    It’s the people who make the events and it’s lovely to be part of a community where the vast majority of us get along so well. I was so pleased we had a chance to catch up properly. Your award was long overdue and well deserved, and it was a pleasure to be able to share in your delight. πŸ™‚


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