Keeping the Kids Hydrated with Highland Spring #bravebynature

My kids love being outside.

We just don’t do being cooped up at home and would rather be out exploring our local area, bug hunting or having fun at the beach.

Over the summer holidays we have lots of days out planned which have included visits to London, local days out and a walking holiday in the Lake District.

On our days out I always take my trusty backpack which contains a first aid kit, picnic lunch and bottles of water to keep the kids fed and watered. There is nothing worse than hearing moans “I’m hungry” or “I’m thirsty” so it is always best to be prepared and it saves money too.

At the beginning of the summer holidays Highland Spring challenged my kids to be #BraveByNature and sent me a pallet of water to keep the kids healthily hydrated over the summer holidays – water is the only drink with no calories, sugar, preservatives or additives.

Brave by Nature

Well, they love finding creatures and studying them closely by popping them in a special investigation pot so as not to hurt them. We always make sure we put them back carefully where we found them.

Brave by Nature

Isaac has been busy with his bird book spotting birds such as Nuthatches, Coal Tits, Robins and even buzzards. We have also found lots of caterpillars, a toad and even a newt on our travels.

Brave by Nature

Having activities like this not only makes them appreciate the world around them, but also encourages them to get more exercise as they are so eager to find the next thing that they don’t realise how far they are walking.

Brave by Nature

Sitting down in a picturesque spot for a much-needed bite to eat and a rest is all part of the fun too.

Brave by Nature

A recent study carried out by psychologists at the University of East London and University of Westminster shows that drinking just 300ml of water (slightly over half a small bottle of water) can boost attention by almost 25% and after drinking 300ml, thirst was satisfied and reports of “good mood” increased by almost 20%.

I have always known that high sugar drinks affect my kids mood in a negative way, but never realised that a lack of hydration could too. In fact, kids need more water in relation to their body size than adults and don’t always recognize when they’re thirsty, so it’s best to encourage good drinking habits early. You can find out more over at the Natural Hydration Council.

Highland Spring is natural water, drawn from organic land in Scotland’s beautiful Ochil Hills and I encourage the kids to sip it throughout the day as this is the best way to ensure hydration needs are met. They have also started carrying it in their own backpacks which makes mine lighter too – until they load it with stones they want to bring home that is!

Highland Spring

How do you keep your family hydrated?

This post is sponsored by Britmums and Highland Spring and the #BravebyNature campaign. I’m working in a paid relationship to highlight the benefits of hydration for children

13 thoughts on “Keeping the Kids Hydrated with Highland Spring #bravebynature”

  1. I rarely drink enough water and these small bottles would be great to have in my bag as I always forget the bigger bottle. It also looks like you’ve had some great adventures on the creature finding

  2. I rarely drink enough water and these small bottles would be great to have in my bag as I always forget the bigger bottle. It also looks like you’ve had some great adventures on the creature finding

  3. It’s quite amazing how much water a family can get through over the summer holidays. We prefer to refill our reusable water bottles though as disposable plastic bottles are incredibly bad for the environment. I’d love to see big brands like Highland Spring help with this global problem. ps. the Lake District is such a beautiful place, isn’t it!! Bet the kids had an amazing time. 🙂

  4. Sounds like you had a fun day! I love the unicorn backpack. Also so important to stay hydrated, I really need to drink more water especially when I’m out and about! xo

  5. I am in love with the unicorn backpack! Thank you for sharing your day out and it looked like the kids had loads of fun catching bugs and spotting animals on their adventure. Great to see that you kept hydrated too, those bottles do come in handy!
    Vicky – Commenting on behalf of Britmums


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