Having a baby opens up a whole world of milestone moments.
I always think that people should be given a pink flashing light to put on top of the car for baby’s first journey home as it is probably the slowest, most careful drive you have ever undertaken………well that and when carrying a delicate birthday / wedding cake in the passenger seat.
Keeping babies and young children safe in the car is essential these days, although as a child of the 70’s, my mum tells me that as a baby, I used to slide around the back seat in a carrycot and when I was older my siblings and I all used to fight over who would sit in the boot.
Car seats have changed alot since even my eldest, Abbey, was a baby. She had an old Britax carrytot carseat which had a rocking base on the bottom which seemed the height of technology at the time.
23 years, 5 more children and dozens of car seats later I can honestly say we have tried out so many different makes models and sizes that I cannot remember them all. What I do remember are the nervy first journey’s home, the shouts of “are we nearly there yet?“, bickering over who sits in the front, middle or back of the car (it seems to be a different favoured position every year and is currently the front seat holding favour at the moment).

There is no doubt that buying car seats is a somewhat confusing and expensive hobby but Graco have thought about this and developed the new Graco All in One car seat.
This is the only car seat you’ll ever need as it grows with your child, from birth to 12 years (0 to 36kg) meaning it will be with your child for all their important moments, providing a comfortable ride and added peace of mind with every journey.
Imagine the journey this car seat will go on. From teeny, tiny baby meeting older siblings for the first time, through those nights where you drive round the block just to get them to go to sleep and on through shopping trips, their first theme park and travels home and away. I find travelling with babies easier as they tend to sleep if they are warm and comfortable.
Suzie Hayman, from Family Lives has some great travelling tips for travelling with older children.
Small children may sleep through long journeys but older ones can make the experience absolute hell. So prepare in advance. Start a countdown days ahead and get them to help plan packing, travel and what you’ll do when you get there. Ask them to think about ways of passing the trip happily – their favourite toys, games, videos, music. Use a mix of digital media and traditional games such as I-spy and 20 Questions. The best way of avoiding ‘are we nearly there yet’ is to keep up a running commentary and once they’re old enough, have them look at the scenery and maps and work it out themselves. And allow plenty of time on your trip for stops so every two hours – 60 to 90 minutes for younger children – you can all stretch your legs.
The last use of a car seat, depending on the height of your child could potentially also be their last day of primary school and it is essential that you are prepared for an unexpected rush of emotion (I have sobbed my way through many a last assembly).
On your way to the final assembly or day of primary school and you’ll realise you’ll never take that particular journey with the same feelings, the anxieties, the jokes or the questions again. It’s an ending for you both. You’ll lose those friendships at the school gates and say goodbye to being the parent of a small child. For your child, it’s a giant step, maybe losing touch with some companions while keeping contact with others they’re rather avoid. And the move to somewhere bigger, more anonymous and with new teachers and pupils, will change those relationships so it won’t be the same.
The last day is the end of an era but it is the chance to look back and celebrate your child’s development – their triumphs and achievements but also the learning that might have come from failing, and getting up to try again.
Why not enter the Milestone Moments competition on the Graco FB page which gives you the opportunity to win a bumper Graco hamper of goodies, which includes the Milestone car seat.
Simply click their facebook page for more news, reviews and giveaways.
Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post with Tots100 and Graco. All thoughts and opinions are my own
Its scary how quickly the little ones grow and to think that mine will be needing a booster seat soon instead of a chair make me a little tearful that shes growing way too fast!
Car seats seem to have changed so much in the last 9 years between having Will and Darcey. Car journey’s with three kids tend to be made of squabbling and hitting (them not me)! I don’t even want to think about that last day of Primary School. Life is going to quickly. x
Our car seat lasts until little one is 4 – they have changed so much over the years as, like you, I was told I used to slide along the back seat as a baby! Can’t imagine her being out of it now, but I’m sure it will come around quicker than I expect! x
We found it so hard to find a car seat my daughter would actually stay in – I’m very thankful for the seats with really strong seatbelts!
We found it really hard to choose a good car seat when we needed to and went thorugh a few before we found the best one for us x x
My MIL has this car seat for my son and it’s great x
I love how this post was written around car seats but about all the big oments and memories in life, so nicely done. Great carseat from Graco, such a great idea! Wish this was about when my one when born
My sister has the Graco and completely swears by it. I’m definitely going to keep it in mind for when we’re ready to move up again. It is frightening how fast they grow. You really do wish for a flashing light on that first trip home too. x