It’s Time to Get LBD Ready with Superdrug

With less than three months to go until Christmas, women up and down the country are already scouring the clothes racks for that perfect LBD for this year’s party season. Whilst the dress is important, looking and feeling your absolute best in it is equally crucial. To get you looking LBD-ready Superdrug has teamed up with nutritionist Charlotte Stirling-Reed to bring you a range of achievable and realistic diet and fitness tips.

Step 1 – it’s time to get personal

  • Remember this is about YOU and your goals

  • Don’t compare yourself to anyone else

  • Reflect. What’s working for you and what isn’t?

Step 2 – let’s be realistic about this

  • Small steps towards big changes are often the most successful

  • Success often takes time so don’t expect overnight results

  • Don’t guilt trip yourself and remember that everyone makes mistakes

  • Think about the 80:20 rule and just eat well most of the time

Step 3 – time to make it happen. At work, at home, on the go…

  • Write down your tips and plans so you can refer back to them to keep you on track

  • Try keeping a food diary

  • Take time for meals and consider what, why and how you’re eating

  • Enlist the support of a friend to increase your motivation and staying power!

  • Take a look at our tips and work out when and how you can make some quick and easy changes

Before you leave the house…

  • Try marching, squatting or doing heel presses whilst brushing your teeth

  • Plan your daily meals before you get to them to help you stay in control

On your commute…

  • Take the stairs and walk up escalators

  • Walk to your destinations

  • Get off the bus a stop earlier

  • Stand up on the bus or tube

In the office…

  • Move about more, dance across the office!

  • Drink water regularly

  • Leave a spare gym bag at work so you have less barriers to going

  • Keep ‘top up’ healthy snacks in your desk drawers e.g. bananas, nuts, seeds

  • Try using an exercise ball to sit on at your desk to build core muscle strength

All day, every day (well, most days – 80:20 remember!)…

  • Invest in a new, smaller dinner plate which can help you eat around 20% less

  • Try to include fruit and/or vegetables at every mealtime

  • Aim for around 50% of your plate coming from veggies to help fill you up

  • Swap some meat-based meals for plant alternatives e.g. nuts, beans, lentils and chickpeas

  • Go online and search for recipes for leftover ingredients to create healthy, delicious meals

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