The Year of the Garden

We have lived in our house for 11 years now and every year we say we are going to do the garden, but every year something else crops up that makes us put it on hold.

Our current garden is an improvement on what we moved in to as we have removed a huge 8ft high hedge, got rid of a rockery and put new fences up, however I long for a patio area so I can sit out in the garden without my chair sinking into the mud.

Over the Easter holidays we made a start on the garden by taking down our huge, old, rotten shed ready for our smaller new shed from Garden Buildings Direct.

Firstly, I didn’t realise quite how much we had in our shed and thankfully managed three trips to the tip in the car (before it died) with broken goal posts, half eaten garden furniture, a broken slide and general bits and bobs. We also found huge black spiders inside and a mouse family who were the cause of the half eaten garden furniture. I actually felt a bit sorry for them as they ran around wondering where all their hiding places had gone.

Garden Transformation

Taking the shed down was easier than we thought. The roof was the trickiest bit and as we took the felt off we realised how rotten it was so couldn’t put any weight on it. Once it was off though, the rest of the shed came down very quickly.

Living in a terrace the next challenge was to get it out the front so we could break it up and put it in a friends trailer to take to the tip. Thankfully my neighbour is lovely and let us pop it over the fence and walk it down the side path and then break it up out the front. It took three trips to get it to the tip and any bits and bobs left over we burned in the fire pit.

Garden Transformation

We lifted all slabs that the shed was sitting on and found a mouse nest underneath. Mum Mouse kept coming back to look at it, I only hope they have found a new home away from the cats.

I didn’t realise quite how small the new shed is going to be, there certainly won’t be any hoarding of garden toys anymore. The next challenge is to build the new shed but sadly the weather has been against us on Hubby’s days off so far and put down some grass seed.

Project new shed and patio coming soon!

13 thoughts on “The Year of the Garden”

  1. Good luck with putting your new shed together! We have been trying to do our garden and add some colour and features into it too but the weather has been awful! Look forward to seeing the new shed soon!

  2. Good luck
    Wearher is so hit and miss so far this year
    You’ll love it when it’s finished
    Our garden is still waterlogged from all the rain

  3. Our shed is a disaster zone and yesterday I went in the garden to hang the washing out for the first time this year and realised that the roof has actually collapsed!! So I watch your new shed going up with interest!!

  4. You write about the mice and the spiders in such a casual way – you’re not scared???? WInter 2014 I put the decorations up weeks later than planned just because there was one big spider on one of the Xmas decorations boxes. You make Mum Mouse sound adorable and I have a cartoon like image in my head of them moving house or temporarily being homeless but in reality I would have been TERRIFIED. We do have a patio but hubby saw a rat on it the other day, (first and only time) so currently I am spooked and hoping it was a one off xxx (it was a result of him having a clear out of a corner)

  5. Oh my goodness that looks like our crappy old shed that we discovered mice droppings in a few months ago!!! You’re doing very well with your clearing and sorting, we’re in the same boat there too except we’ve done nothing! So need a new shed so we can chuck out all the crap and start again, too expensive at the moment though. One day I’d like one of those snazzy wooden offices πŸ™‚


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