Project 366 2016 – Week Twelve

This week has been a good great week for us as everything just seemed to come together and work out.

On Sunday we had a quiet day at home as we were all aching after our Go Ape adventures the day before, but we did spoil ourselves with Roast Lamb and all the trimmings.

On Monday I worked whilst the kids were at school / pre-school and then Eliza had a special easter egg hunt with her Rainbows troop in the evening and on Tuesday we built Sebby’s new microscooter and helped him charge and down the path outside the house.

Wednesday was my great day where everything seemed to come together. Eliza started the day with a fabulous assembly where she got her lines right and performed brilliantly. I then got a parcel that turned out to be the pictures from St James’ Palace from when Abbey got her DofE Gold award back in November and Callan passed his driving test. Hubby and Kian, who had broken up from school, cleared the garden and power-washed everything in sight and my meeting with Sebby’s teacher went brilliantly and he is where he needs to be for everything in his 2 year check. Finally, Isaac’s parents evening, which I had been dreading actually turned out to be brilliant and he has really turned a corner this term!!

On Thursday the remaining kids broke up and we celebrated the start of the holiday with a trip to Pizza Express. Friday saw us head to Lulworth to take part in their Easter celebrations and Saturday we saw the Gruffalo’s Child at Poole Lighthouse.

Here is my week in pictures:

Week 12

79. Roast Lamb

80.  Waving to a Chinook helicopter that kept circling overhead

81.  Scooting on his new mini-microscooter

82.  Jet washing everything on sight

83.  Pizza Express treat

84.  Roaming the Lulworth Estate looking for eggs

85.  Ready to watch Gruffalo’s Child Live

TheBoyandMe's 366 Linky

9 thoughts on “Project 366 2016 – Week Twelve”

  1. Very jealous you went to see gruffalo’s child live! I love the gruffalo… I mean L loves the gruffalo haha I have had a pretty crappy week so its nice to see someone else having a much better time

  2. What a great week! Sebby looks so confident on his scooter already – Syd had a bad fall last year and it has taken him months to get his confidence back, but luckily he is back whizzing about again now!


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